Weird News Stories of the Day.....


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A doctor dining at Disney World died from an allergic reaction after being assured the meal was allergy free.

The widow sued Disney.

Disney is trying to get the suit thrown out, because the deceased signed up for a Disney+ free trial years earlier. The TOS for that free trial stated that all disputes with Disney will be arbitrated outside of court.

Disney really deserves a better opponent than Rhonda Santis. They're a truly vile organization.


Well-Known Member

A doctor dining at Disney World died from an allergic reaction after being assured the meal was allergy free.

The widow sued Disney.

Disney is trying to get the suit thrown out, because the deceased signed up for a Disney+ free trial years earlier. The TOS for that free trial stated that all disputes with Disney will be arbitrated outside of court.

Disney really deserves a better opponent than Rhonda Santis. They're a truly vile organization.

Fun fact about this story. The Disney lawyer who came up with the legal theory that "if you watch one episode of The Mandalorian, Disney is legally allowed to kill your wife" is the grandson of Cuba's former US-backed Slaver Dictator, Fulgencio Batista.


I swear 9 times out of 10 when a Miami Cuban exile says "Fidel Castro destroyed my family's small business!!!!:cry::cry::cry:" it turns out their family's business was buying and selling slaves for the Mafia. Or running a slave plantation.
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So...what stage of capitalism is a hospital losing part of your skull and then charging you $150,000 (more than twice the median yearly salary) for it?
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If Trump gets elected and appoints RFK Jr to his cabinet, he promises to stop "chemtrail crime".

What a sincerely dumb fuck. Chemtrails are the stupidest conspiracy theory. The flat earthers are smarter.


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The WOKE Joe Brandon FBI is going after brave independent media truth tellers!

Libs: ask yourself... does this nice young man sound like a paid propagandist for Putin's Russia???

Why on Earth would Russia pay a brave truth teller for trying to foment a civil war for longer than the actual Civil War lasted?? THINK, sheeple! Before they make it illegal!



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New Halloween costume unlocked

Common food dye found to make skin and muscle temporarily transparent​

Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots​

:peace: :leaf:


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43 year old Russian conscripts are stuffing their bullet wounds with tampons to keep from bleeding out because their government was spending money on shit like this lol


Bill with eoPd

New Member
43 year old Russian conscripts are stuffing their bullet wounds with tampons to keep from bleeding out because their government was spending money on shit like this lol

This has been an accepted practice since at least 1990:

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Bill with eoPd,
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I love that in the United States of America, a sitting Senator. One of the most powerful people in the a hearing about Hate Crimes... can literally do a hate crime on live TV, and will suffer literally no consequences.

Every day a new low. It really is something.

Also a fun fact, this guy puts on a fake Foghorn Leghorn accent.

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