The news comes amid a warning that agricultural output will fall between $30 and $60 billion if Trump's flagship policy is carried out.
The Deportation Plan is fucking stupid in every way imaginable.
Reducing Crime:
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. They are responsible for 29 deaths in 2024. This includes traffic accidents.
This makes them less dangerous than citizens. Conservatives like to claim there are 20 million "illegals". If this is true, "illegals" are the least dangerous people on Earth, and we should import even more of them.
Trump also claims local law enforcement will do the round ups. This is a poor allocation of LE resources. If anything, the result will be
more unsolved crimes.
Reducing grocery costs:
Deporting "illegals" and replacing them with citizens who are fully subject to labor laws will increase food costs.
Reducing housing costs:
The undocumented make up a huge percentage of construction workers. Increasing the price of construction won't reduce the cost of housing, you fucking morons.
Economic costs:
Deleting 11 million people who work jobs and spend money is bad for the economy. Should be self-explanatory. You also can't insta-deport people. Their countries of origin will need to agree. Some countries, like Venezuela, will
never agree. This means we will need to print money to build concentration camps.
I also got bad news for you dipshits: If you think seeing millions of brown people getting rounded up and put in concentration camps will make your dicks work again. It won't. Your dick still won't work, and everything will be more expensive