
, I need to ask some questions about the VHW. I'll buy my first vaporizer. Im looking for the healthiest/cleanest vape available. I was decided for the LSV but that vape has the ceramic element exposed. I like the idea of a 100% all glass path. Questions:
- In order to use the VHW I need to buy the VHW and glass pipe, right? I dont have any bong or glass pipe so I think I would need to buy the VHW
http://www.vriptech.com/Merchant2/m...e_Code=VR&Product_Code=VHWE&Category_Code=VHW and this
http://www.vriptech.com/Merchant2/m..._Code=VR&Product_Code=VWT_I&Category_Code=VWT . Im ready to go with that or I need to consider other items?
You will need - a glass (water) pipe of some kind, and the vaporization chamber bowl (make sure you get the right size). I would recommend the stand, it allows the wand to heat up quickly and retain heat, and keeps it relatively safe if used correctly.
- I have read that some users feel that the VHW give a hotter vapor than other vapes getting a slighty more irritating experience. What do you think? its very important for me dont irrate my vocal cords or throat because I sing.
I use it with ice in the chamber, and if used correctly you feel absolutely no irritation.
- I have read that some people dont liked a silicone piece in the glass pipe. What about that?
The silicon is necessary to get a really tight fit. It in no way compromises the taste. If you keep the wand heated at full-blast all the time (not recommended), then the silicon ring can crack, because silicon expands a lot when it gets warm. I have been using the same ring for at least 7 months, and if yours ever cracks vrip will send you a bunch of extra rings for free.
- How efficient is the VHW? would it work perfectly with small amounts? (for two or three hits)
You just need enough the cover the screen completely to achieve a thick hit. I usually pack enough for 4-5 hits, and if it's too much I just stop vaping and come back to the bowl later... maybe mix it up and sprinkle a little fresh on top.
- How do you think the VHW would compare to the LSV?
Can't comment as I've never used the LSV.
- Do you recommend the VHW? are you happy with your VHW experience? do you think that in the market today are better alternatives available than the VHW?
I would buy the VHW again. I considered waiting for the cloud, but that was nearly a year ago and the benefits I have seen from the VHW have been incredible. I have completely phased smoking out of my daily life (over the course of about 6 months), and now exclusively use a combination of VHW and ABV cookies. I still smoke socially on a rare occasion, but have found that this allows me to stay medicated for less money, with essentially zero side effects.
Thanks for the information. Like I said, its important to me to get a healthy/clean air/heath path. I dont like the fragility of this vaporizer but if is needed in order to get a great healthy vape I can live with that.