What up family? Thanks for the detailed review BlackBur....I will only add one detail and that is if a user wants a smoke/vapor hybrid instead of the cleaner and more potent "blue vapor" all you have to do is turn it up to full heat from the usual 80-90% approximate heat setting for cleanest vapor, and/or keep the wand seated for a bit longer before pulling which will bring the chamber to a notch higher temp before the vapor is extracted, pull a bit slower on the primer draw until it's as thick as you want and then slowly increase the pull rate once you're getting what you want (definitely don't break the seal between wand and intake when exhaling to open up the lungs for the primary pull). It does take a bit more patience on the prime, but it is fairly easy to get a smoke/vapor hybrid pull and a full browning of the bowl if that's desired (I'm not recommending it as Mark did not design the system for this, but I know some prefer it this way and some use this capability as an indication of how good it will work with concentrates). Usually with some practice even those that THINK they want smoke/vapor hybrid pulls realize that the real GOODS are getting the cleaner and more potent blue vapor to milk up as thick as possible. This is where the Vrip really shines once the technique is dialed into and this is why IMHO an astute reviewer on VaporStore's website has concluded that the Vrip "is what God Vapes with!"
So take extra pride in knowing that you are all living beyond mere mortals at least when you're taking Vrips!
So take extra pride in knowing that you are all living beyond mere mortals at least when you're taking Vrips!