Vaporist/Glass Head
Ohhhh I thought you meant you wanted a blazemaster. I couldn't ever go back to the two piece design. But that's me.
How many perks and stuff does he have? People were saying the more perks and such the more "drag."karazi said:He says he cleaned everything out pretty good before he started using the wand. He used it only a few times, and said it was hard to pull.. not sure if this is a common issue or if maybe there is some other factor at play here..thanks for the reply.
Totally agree lol - nice cases ^^SteveBeast said:If its cool it should have a case.
very trueyou gotta change the screens frequently
Thanks man, much appreciated. I got this 60$ case with my Extreme, but it seems kinda cheaply made. The locks aren't lined up 100%, and the foam insifr has panels which I just moved today, and they like don't line up correctly haha I love the case though, it's great for everything. I'll deff look into getting one for my vhw when I get it.stevebeast said:konrad.
those cases are 20.00 http://shortyusa.com/index.html?RID=4328 they really just hold the wand and the slides i use a different case for the bong. the cases on the vrip site are pretty pricey but they are pelican cases and very tough, you could use the opteke case as a cheaper option http://cgi.ebay.com/Opteka-OPT-HC15...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item53de59572a
they are both pretty small i consider the vwt a small bong both of those cases are too small for anything i have (had to sell my vwt cause i got sick of my freinds asking if their daughter can have it when i die) if you want a bigger bong check out the home depot and get a bunch of foam and a toolbox.
Okay so what are the 2 14mm gong vcb and the 18.8 slide? What's the "glass addition for 10 months?" What is the 2 piece bowl you were talking about haha?stevebeast said:i have had mine about 10 months, i got 2 of the wands 2 14mm gong vcb and a 18.8 slide that the wands fits pretty good, neither have had a problem and they have gotten a lot of use and much of it from idiots. i am truly surprised i havent had to replace anything. when i saw the disclaimers on the page i thought they just break but i have dopped it, banged it, you name it you name it and its still kicken.
I like the phx they have a honeycomb diff i would love to pick up, a little pricey and i didnt like the black top on the ones i have seen but there is a honeycomb comming soon. i would like to find someone who can make a worked version of the vrip 2 peice bowl even if its one piece, i like the distance it puts the wand at and imo it works better than just a bowl big enough to get a seal on. well thats the real expence of the vhw it comes with a glass addiction that lasts at least 10 months, it also goes thru the herb those thick milky hits dont come out of thin air, but it is still more efficient than combustion.
I see Vaporization Chamber Bowl Shorty w/14.4mm ground joint "GonG" lower bowl stem for 60$ is that both? Does that come with it initially?stevebeast said:no problem
the bowl is a 2 part slide. there is the lower bowl where you put your bud. that has to be compatible with your bong the upper bowl fits over the lower bowl and is like a glass funnel that the want fits into.
if you look on the vriptech site http://www.vriptech.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=VR&Category_Code=VHW
scroll down twards the bottom you see you can get just the wand or the wand and the bowl and the different types and sizes they carry
Does it come with a stand? I would need to buy one of those then. I saw someone had a stand, was it you? That was black and said something on it, Idk. I think I'm going to get a PHX Trinity, it's like a 350$ bong, or a custom one, I don't know yetstevebeast said:yeah. the wand is 170 the vrip bowl is 60 and you still need a bong or bubbler to put it in. you can skip the vriptec bowl and find something cheaper (if you can fit a quarter in the top of the bowl it will work) but it isnt that much cheaper and imo the vrip bowls are worth it. thats the glass addiction i want to try a bunch of different bowls, bongs, ashcatchers.....