SA - The thing I am most excited about is experimenting myself. Excuse me if I say this but the only 'experience' any of us have had with this vape is sm55's testimony. I ordered both the reg and jet flo to try them out for myself. Frankly the descriptors are confusing (bigger hits vs thicker hits? whats the difference? hmm ). Also, having a tube and a beaker will provide more experimentation
CV - I think I might pick up an EHLE after the GonG VCB comes out.
I am excited for all of you who are fortunate enough to be able to get in on the pre-order deal (I'll have to live vicariously through you guys for now). How would this EHLE ( )be for experimentation with the VHW

(here it is in action )
SA - no diffusers here though, sadly.
Just my

: If it is by choice,

. If not I recommend glass beads/shapes (for aquariums, etc). They allow a cheap alternative for adjustable degrees of diffusion (the size and shape of the beads affects the pathways available for air/steam to travel) Just be careful with your down-stem and make sure to burn/iso the glass beads to ensure that they have no coatings (iso could also be used to recover condensation on the beads/inner walls if the effort is deemed worthy

). If interested, the most you'd likely really spend is a few dollars (unless you start to collect custom beads with pictures/designs like myself

Even though I, myself, am not able to yet order a VHW; I feel like I am waiting in excitement with the rest of you for the arrival of the pre-orders (hope you don't mind me sharing some of your anticipation and joy until my time comes along

Well, "good things come to those who wait", right?

--H.J. Heinz
Toke it easy!