What's the start-up cost for a system? I know nothing.
Sous vide used to in the realm of high-end restaurants, mostly French restaurants as the commercial sous vide systems were several thousand dollars.
Then came the at-home systems which are now down to $150 or so. The Anova sous vide machine is what I have and there are a couple other similar brands.
I'll try to post a picture or two. The beauty is, for steaks for example, say you like it med rare or very pink.
With cooking in the oven, or stovetop or on the grill, it is almost impossible to get it pink throughout. The outer layers (top and bottom) get cooked past med rare if the center is med rare (not red) and time is super critical for conventional methods---leave that steak on 2 minutes too long on the grill and WTF, it's now grey throughout

With sous vide, you set it at 129 F and you can cook the thick 2" steak for 1 hour or 4 hours and it is not overdone. Pink thoughout as it can never get hotter than 129 F. I liken it to vaping--- both super controlled temp methods.
When done, the outside is kinda blah looking, sort of grey so.....
Fire up the grill on super hot or under the hot broiler or in a super hot frypan with oil that's almost smoking and char it. Superb looking and fantastic tasting "crust" with 95% of the interior still bright pink.
48 or 72 hour ribs---moist and fall off the bone
And I'm still trying other foods.
Pork porterhouse cut extra thick with interior totally cooked yet super juicy and tender
It's an awesome method for cooking many many dishes and now made affordable.
Wish we had a sous vide thread (SV means under vacuum in French). I just use the el-cheapo hand vacuum pump, like $15 with some bags included