Hello and happy Easter, been busy planting the garden, got the veggies and peppers in the ground just in time for a great watering from Mother Nature! I am glad you got that piece Obelisk, I do hope you enjoy using it and pls share your thoughts with me. Flanman, you take your time and get one when you can, you got any questions or concerns pls ask. I will do my best to get you fixed up with anything you have. I am just about to finish sand some Myrtle Burl Dugouts soon and will post a couple pics here. I have a sweet match for the MyrtleZap. I just got some of the most amazing Buckeye Burl Blanks on the way, so I cant wait to see what I can create from them. Also got some new stuff coming from my people down in the islands, Cenizo. Here is some info on em, its important to know where you get your lumber and that it is being replenished and managed all at the same time.
Rainforest Enrichment & Sustainable Forestry Project,
founded in 1983, is located on 1000 acres of spectacular rainforest land in the southern central highlands of Patillas, Puerto Rico. The project's mission is to research and demonstrate the economic use of rain forest land using methods that do not destroy the forest ecology.
I do hope everyone has a great weekend!!!