Just let the product speak for itself I guess. I couldn't get into the beta which bummed me out, so I'll be watching from a distance (NASA wouldn't let me borrow the Hubble...)
That didn't sound nice and instead of assuming everybody who committed time and $$ to this discussion and vape, who had that Beta Team in their sig, is still doing it Proudly, is rather insulting.....
I'm gonna ride this one out as well. I guess we'll all need to wait and see what happens but they did send me this pic through email earlier. Infinity units is what I was told.
I have a serious issue with some of the statements made to this person when you all thought it was a woman but didn't get to mention it before the blow up, especially the FedEx comment! I'm not going to go into any of it or argue any specific points. Quite simply if you are not female you do not get it and you cannot get it...you'll never understand.
I'm reconsidering if this is a community that I want to be a part of. You can all go be condescending somewhere else you know...
There is no W9 banner. Just because someone made a banner themselves has ZERO to do with the company other than the person really likes the Hercules sr-71. I saw you complain about it to the person in a thread prior I believe.Tdub, I am not meaning to insult you but like lwein I don't get it at all. Isn't a beta tester someone who gets a product and does data and help improve a product before release? I personally wouldn't advertise something I haven't used. It reminds me of the actors and actresses who hock products and don't even like them. I can't help how I feel. It is just all a sham to me and if I didn't know better I would think a lot of vapes are the best thing out there that aren't really(no vape in particular). I am looking at it from an outside perspective. I will drop the evo stuff but I don't like the company practices and that is my choice as well. I am also not a water person so it would never be a vape for me. I know people love it and that is great. The issue that was brought up here about the versa is the banner which is held by that other vape and a few others on and off. Another off the top of my head is that s71 or whatever it is.
wheres the scream emoticom? lol
There is no W9 banner. Just because someone made a banner themselves has ZERO to do with the company other than the person really likes the Hercules sr-71. I saw you complain about it to the person in a thread prior I believe.
Yes, you can't help how you feel, but why not ask the people privately, why stir the pot, in an already murky soup.
With peeps coming in like this, this thread is gonna get.
let's talk about the vape Iwien. Oh that's right you didn't order one. It cracks me up that making reference to a fake woman's breasts makes me a sexist.
I think you missread that. He replaced it with a new banner. The animation was killing my eyes it had nothing to do with the banner itself.
I'm almost sorry I made the VXL Beta Crew Banner to begin with now although its been really fun. I'm just an old car guy ie race track guy (open wheel), and I like to brand stuff, so I paint my sig like a racetrack. I know some people think I'm some kind of mindless VXL devotee, but that is not true. I have been very hard on SM in private, where it belongs, and he has proven himself, to me, to be a man of character.I will drop the evo stuff but I don't like the company practices and that is my choice as well.
Vixen, there was some pretty sexist shit (I'm not quite sure if that is what you are referring to) said in this thread but please understand, that is but a VERY, VERY small minority when it comes to the FC community as a whole. I abhor that kind of stuff as much as you and I have no doubt that FC management feels the same way, so please don't judge us on the actions of a few.
let's talk about the vape Iwien. Oh that's right you didn't order one. It cracks me up that making reference to a fake woman's breasts makes me a sexist.