Speaking of portable vapes (my preferred vape form factor), I am always on the lookout for the latest & greatest. I am a techno-enthusiast with a refined eye for the best in innovation, performance and build quality - and a nose that can pretty accurately detect public relations BS a mile away, most of the time. If I were privileged with the task of hand-picking a team from scratch who would be charged with putting their thinking caps on to develop a stealthy leading-edge pocketable vape and bringing it to market, Leiana's team would be it - hands down! Regarding hype, which we are rightly cautioned to guard against in a post above, and well we should always be: I have not seen even a trace of it from Versa here on FC. In unadulterated fashion, we have been witness to: brains, vision, commitment, dispatch, enthusiasm, gracious public relations, humble acceptance of criticisms and calls for change, and smart thoughtful business acumen, to name just a few positive attributes - all presented well-in-evidence over the entire past 23 pages of this thread. Perhaps there will someday be a Stealth Portable Versa in our future. One can only hope

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