Well guys I am officially paid up and part of the beta team. I'm really excited and this is my first time to be a beta tester for a vape. Happy days
Edit: Guys also I need a little help. I'm sure Leiana and the guys are very busy trying to get our units shipped so I am hoping FC can help me

First question is about getting a step up converter. I'm in Asia and I need to get one of these to go from 110 to 220. I have no idea about these things. Does this look suitable;
Any advice would be appreciated. I want to get it asap so I will be ready once the Infinity arrives.
Secondly, as well as taking a big step up with this new vape I am also about to start using glass. Previously all my vaping has been dry. I'm waiting on an F-Bomb hydrotube with a 14mm gong from Planetvape. Will this work with the Infinity? I think I need to get either an 18mm adapter or another piece of glass with a 18mm joint. Sound right? If that is correct I am going to pick up a piece of cheap China glass to start. I would like an adapter as well but Planetvape have no stock of 18mm adapters now. Any recommendations? I was thinking about this or similar. Do you think it will pair with the Infinity well?
Thanks a lot guys. Just want to start the learning curve now and get a step ahead so I can begin testing asap

Thanks in advance.