Here's what I posted on the Versa forum:
Finally received my Infinity after what seemed like for-ev-er. I've had some time with it, a few hours and many bowls later....

TLDR: Overall:

(3.5/5 stars) I realize this is a test period and changes are planned, but this is an initial rating of what I see so far. IMO Works well, medicates as intended, gets hot but not prohibitively so when using flower voltages (see others for more focus on concentrate use), some issues with even abv browning (Donut Holes), nice quality construction (thick glass) but body extremities (ends, edges, openings) possibly fragile or prone to blemish.
Long version:
Fedex teased me this morning and a truck showed up about 1045am, I thought I heard him at the door but when I checked, no package, no truck outside. I was hitting my sublimator ufo while I waited, so maybe I was hallucinating. anyways, it showed up a couple hours later. Here's the package, you'll see in the picture - scroll below the list of contents.- smilies are random but could mean my general feel for the item, no smiley=n/a:

Black plastic case - medium quality, nifty latch system (push out with thumbs, feels sturdy, can be padlocked), mid-grade eggshell foam interior. Good value case, does the job, not a ton of added cost to the manufacturer.

Versa Infinity Heater and 6-sided base - mine has a red cap but unfortunately the mouth arrived with slight blemish

ops: - see below. I like the base it is sturdy, I like that it isn't round but six sided, it can double as a bowl holder (18mm nests on inside of male joint) and how it mates with the unit is just plain cool

and sexy (no innuendo intended unless you see it that way in your dirty mind


Digital control unit - my only gripe with this is that it's a bit finicky to dial in and just bumping it slightly nudges the voltage up or down. Otherwise, it's digital readout is easy to read and the blue lit background isn't bright or garish.

Silicon tipped tongs. I can handle the bowl fine with the tongs, but the tongs are cheap and get stuck in locked position too easily. It doesn't matter as I don't seem to have any problem grabbing the bowl with my fingers, although it could be made easier and more ergonomic, I have some ideas on that below.

2 Stir Sticks - good and work well, but way too long, I might have to break them up into more stir sticks, at least half the length, otherwise, they keep getting in the way of stuff as I lay them on the table.
--3 screens (bowls also come with screen pre installed). They are a fine mesh, mine is getting a bit gunked up from use, cleaning tips would be helpful.

18mm flower bowl and 14 mm flower bowl, but I'm just using the 18mm right now. I can handle a hot bowl with the nub, but it could be greatly improved. Sublimator atomizers have a nice handle, but I think they are too long and a knock over hazard. My suggestion would be a flat flared out nub about the size of a guitar pick maybe curved downward for the thumb to grab more firmly and maybe also be cooler to the touch (more surface area).
--2 dome screens (in baggie) which also come with two smaller flat circle screens, I'm not sure yet what to do with those (have an idea, but want to wait for official word), I think an instructional video is forthcoming from Versa. Should allow for vertical use was my guess/hope.
When I picked up the Infinity to inspect, I found the mouth had a chip and interior cracks, I can report that it is fully functional, but I consider this a "blemished" unit. I did not notice any browning of wires from the off gassing as was mentioned above. Here's a picture of the mouth, you might only see the angled crack, but if you look closely, you can you see the fissure under the surface going almost all the way around the circumference. Again, this appears to be mostly cosmetic thank dog:
First impressions - easy to plug in and use, I could operate it with one hand although it could be a little bit stuck on the base. Unlike others, I did not find it too hot to handle, but bear in mind I am coming from a Sublimator UFO, if you don't know what that is you better ask someone.

So the heat from this is nothing to me, I grab it at the bottom, under the red cap, but sometimes when inverting, my fingers press up against the hot end, the hottest I touched was about 88v, but it didn't hurt me or anything I felt afraid of. I can see anyone who doesn't know what a vape is might be surprised or turned away from that heat but this is true for way too many vapes besides this one to consider it a flaw in my opinion. Maybe this is different for oils/waxes but I'm not doing concentrates, so those voltage experiences will have to be left to others.
Below is a quick pic of the setup, I'm using an Atomic Recycler, you can see the green ness of the material (C99), the red cap in the Infinity on it's base, my silicon tray and the control unit on 72. I tried higher v's 78, 85, 88 and found them too hot and the abv too cooked. I must keep experimenting though. Either way, all of those test voltages produced good clouds and medicated to good effect...I had to take a break

ops: ...all in the name of science.
The keck clip you see if for the adapter that the Versa bowl is sitting in, I didn't have any issue whatsoever with the versa bowl sticking into the Infinity, didn't happen once, probably because it seems to fit snug into the aforementioned adapter. The stir stick as you can see is ridiculously long, gets in the way really, but it's pointy woody end is necessary for stirring and scraping the screen.
Here's the bowl after a pull. You can see the v went down to 71 because I bumped it with the Infinity as I put it back on its base. Here is what I am calling a "Donut Hole" as the center of the material is browned up more than the surrounding material, this was after one pull. I'm finding I'm getting 3 decent pulls per bowl of about a thumbnail's worth (sorry I don't measure).
What I've done to compensate is use the stir stick to pile the material into the center of the bowl. Then when stirring between hits, I try to pile it into the center again. Not perfect, but I think it's better than just stirring randomly. Here's a closeup of my ABV after 3 hits on 72v, boost only used at the end of the third pull. It's not that even and some looks kinda combustive dark - pick below looks more green than it really is, must be my camera on macro. I did a session earlier with much more even brown abv like ZC's pic above but didn't take a pic o_O IKR?
I have more testing to do, but can definitely say this vaporizer works if you are looking for something to get you medicated efficiently, is capable of sizeable clouds and that operates well with water tools. The heat hazard IMO is no worse than many other vapes on the market but perhaps is an area for safety/usability innovation.
The Donut Holing is one thing I'd like to see addressed. I have an idea I plan to try where I'm going to take an NO2 "Hat" screen and try to cut a hole in one of the stock Versa screens and make one very large "nipple" screen which will make it easier to pile the herb into the middle where the heat is focused. Alternatively, maybe the interior of the bowl could be shaped in a way (conical?) that does something similar. Just a couple of ideas, they may suck :confused: but I'm going to experiment with the NO2 screen thing since I can do that on my own.
All in all I am enjoying the Infinity and will keep using it. It has probably replaced my UFO as a DD since I was getting tired of the open flame and this also heats up faster, is more temp consistent and can be left powered for on demand use. Will be very interesting to see where this product goes from here, I will continue to update my usage and post additional findings or suggestions.
Boy, that was long, sorry to bore you. Time for another test run