Venus Vaporizer

Grange Goreman

Wood lover
Yes ! still alive despite the Venus hits ! :freak:

A smaller glass top means (IMO) a hotter taste and a shorter session .
Grange Goreman,

Lemon Curry?

Have Bud, Will Travel
They're just swamped by orders, a friend of mine here in Finland had to wait three weeks from payment to parcel in the mail.
Lemon Curry?,


Well-Known Member
I expected this vaporizer to work well with Salvia Divinorum but unfortunately it seems it doesn't work well with this plant. The problem is not in the temperature (as the foliage gets literally carbonized) but in the glass top that cools down the vapours too much and too quickly, resulting in condensation over the walls of the glass top itself.

I don't know if this happens with other medical herbs, but I suspect there could be some condensation effect. What's your experience?

I think this device would be much more efficient if it was designed as a wand-type vaporizer, so to avoid the condensation chamber have have a more direct inhale. Indeed, my DBV (which is wand-type) vaporizes Salvia much better despite providing lower temperatures.

Perhaps the next venus 2.0 could have a sort of adapter to turn it into a wand-type vaporizer, just an idea.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Salvia Divinorum is not a medical herb :) ! Search about salvorine-a vaporizing temperature and probably u r vaping too low or too high :). Also you have tried vaporizing concentrate or leaf matter ?
And about the wand desing.. Direct draw will result in light glowing at your face so you still will need a hose :) . i vaporize salvia divinorum with my vapo-bowl and have huge success although runned trough double perc bong ;)
Abysmal Vapor,
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Well-Known Member
I know about salvinorin-a vaporizing point and how it can be difficult to vaporize with commercial vaporizer built for cannabis. This is why I bought a Venus, I hoped that the different technology (halogen lamp) resulted in a better vaporization for Salvia. But first experiments show it's less effective than DBV or Vaporgenie (the two other vaps I have).

I'm still investigating the matter, because I am not satisfied by the results obtained so far.

I've tried a sort of wand attachment directly plugged on the bowl of the Venus, but it was a total failure. The herb didn't even turn brown, so I am revisiting my previous belief regarding the wand-attachment.

I've programmed other tests, involving minimal length of the silicon tube and very small glass top (hoping to find some).


I wouldn't redesign this entire unit just to accommodate Salvia. If this can't do salvia than surely the Volcano can't either. And I don't think Storz & Bickel would re-design just to satisfy a few customers. Just my 50 cents.


Salutations Unsigned_char72,

...I hoped that the different technology (halogen lamp) resulted in a better vaporization for Salvia.

Hummm... Maybe not, correct me if i'm wrong but the target temperature for Salvia Divinorum would be something like 277 °C and related studies were made using heat guns actually...

...less effective than DBV or Vaporgenie (the two other vaps I have).

Is there a reason why you wouldn't want to use a VG pipe then?


...I am not satisfied by the results obtained so far.

The Venus remains largely alien to me despite all the reading, but i can help with the VaporGenie perhaps. Though i wouldn't want to use salvia myself even if i flirted with that idea, long ago...

The herb didn't even turn brown...

Well, i vaguely recall a passage relating that a bulb's glass ain't that hot and power isn't what makes halogen bulbs shine in cannabic vaporisation: i guess that feature was traded for the legendary cleanliness of glass... Though i also remember the Oracle used a special type of halogen technology which was aimed at infra-red heating, to be exact.

Is the Venus bulb even specified for IR heating?...



vaporizer review blogger
oookay... i have it now for just four days and already came to the conclusion that it's simply the best portable vaporizer ever (and i really love my solo!). it even beats most home-units! never seen so many nice, tasty AND cloudy vapor and it's producing it faster than i can inhale it. it's ultra efficent. abv is even brownish, not too dark at all. i only push the boost button for 1 or 2 seconds, because it's vaping like crazy and the whole glass easily gets filled within that time.
now imagine attaching it to your bong. honestly, i never had milky vapor like this in my bong.
truely amazing. the venus is my new favorite. have nothing but <3 for her
even if she's a little fatty among all the portable vapes ;) size doesn't really matter for me.


vaporizer review blogger
For my own safety, I can't do video reviews, could get me into a lot of trouble. Germany still has some very shitty laws and I don't want to be the enrico of my country :/ i think you know what has happened to him?!
But honestly i thought i have to film the vapor production, at least!
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
oookay... i have it now for just four days and already came to the conclusion that it's simply the best portable vaporizer ever (and i really love my solo!). it even beats most home-units! never seen so many nice, tasty AND cloudy vapor and it's producing it faster than i can inhale it. it's ultra efficent. abv is even brownish, not too dark at all. i only push the boost button for 1 or 2 seconds, because it's vaping like crazy and the whole glass easily gets filled within that time.
now imagine attaching it to your bong. honestly, i never had milky vapor like this in my bong.
truely amazing. the venus is my new favorite. have nothing but <3 for her
even if she's a little fatty among all the portable vapes ;) size doesn't really matter for me.
Aways wanted to try that one out.. Love halogen bulbs :).. only the price + my financial troubles among my court odyssey .. Also got weakness for beautiful girls.. the one on the promo video is totally hot :D
Abysmal Vapor,
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vaporizer review blogger
well, from a european point of view it's actually not really expensive! We have to pay up to 250€ here for a new extreme q, as well, but yes 315$ + shipping + tax is a lot for a portable vape in the us and canada!
however, i think it's worth it. New portables like the elevape or the upcoming uptoke spyre are also in the same price range.

and yes, scandinavian women are hot ;) (offtopic: here is a comparison between a british and a swedish night club, it's hilarious but also a bit frightening :D )
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
well, from a european point of view it's actually not really expensive! We have to pay up to 250€ here for a new extreme q, as well, but yes 315$ + shipping + tax is a lot for a portable vape in the us and canada!
however, i think it's worth it. New portables like the elevape or the upcoming uptoke spyre are also in the same price range.

and yes, scandinavian women are hot ;) (offtopic: here is a comparison between a british and a swedish night club, it's hilarious but also a bit frightening :D )
You should see some of the new wave Bulgarian girls :D... a.k.a Chalga fans..nothing more horrid than this :).. the beauty of the BG women has faded shamefully trough prolonged Chalgalization and Swaggerization :D


Volute of Vapor
This vape seems very interesting, there is only good feedbacks and I'm agree with Mrweed, it's not expensive since it seems to perform as a desktop vape, charging time is only 60mn to full battery (awesome!) but the form factor is not the stealthier (and only with a whip, isn't it?).

I think it's a perfect outside party vape....I must to resist, I feel the VAS coming back!

ps: I can't find the english shop on their website, what is the accessorie that they sold?
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Well-Known Member
Since we don't have to pay VAT tax for orders made outside European Union, the price of the Venus Vaporizer for customers outside EU is free of VAT so it's something around $250. I am trying to find a way to implement it in the webshop so that it will take out the tax if the shipping address is outside EU.


Space is the Place
How much does the Venus cost now in $USD with shipping ? Every time I read a new post in this thread I want to give one a home here in the Florida sunshine. Since I would have to save up for a few months Knowing the price will give me an idea of how much money to stash away.

The Venus looks to be one sweet little Beast of a vaporizer and is actually the only one on my Wish List at the moment.

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vaporizer review blogger
i think importing tax is only 3% in the us, so i would assume that it will be something like 260$ overall, only! but i think you can calculate that yourself. must be something like 229€ - 19% (now convert to us dollar and add 3% imorting tax)
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