Yes, the french Herborizer.
Thanks Vlampo. I don't have the funds nor the need for the Herbalizer atm.
Really, i thought the Venus would win compared to the DBV. Do you taste a bit of wood as well or is it the metal, compared to the DBV?
I understand the point about the price being understandably higher, especially since the DBV is made in China but, for what the Venus offers in the end compared to the competition, i believe it should be priced lower than 200€.
And consider one other thing, 230eur is 317USD. So, that is another reason why it isn't competitively priced.
The battery is indeed more expensive. The craftsmanship as well. I get that. I'm not arguing on the fairness of the price comparing the manufacturing costs vs the retail price, in comparison to the same numbers in other vaporizers.
I'm sure the DBV, especially since it is made is China probably has a higher profit margin than the Venus.
But in the end, the profit margin only interests the maker and not the buyer. People buy the experience it gives you more than anything.
My argument is only regarding the lack of popularity of the unit considering its features. In my view, this is due to inadequate pricing, low publicity and low visibility since its only sold in the manufacturers website.
I wouldn't even know the Venus if not for FC. If i was a regular guy, trying to find a vaporizer in a EU online store i would have to be very thorough in my search to find it.