ok, thx SkunkyPete.
And why does the SSV would be better than a Q for ex ?
(hashish wise)
GVG is alas out of the equation coz way to fragile, and combustion is too easy, especially for someone who, right now, never tried vaping.
At first I was directing him toward either a Q or DBV/SSV, but even if I never tried one of these I feel like the Q is a better investment for a vapor newbie. (Or an Ion, but never tried one these either and those need an electricity convertor

The Q Feels more easy to handle, and to get use to vapor, and harder to reach combustion.
Isn't it ?
About the VG, If you don't consider putting an under layer of weed/abv, the sreen is gonna be a pain in the ass to clean, and you'll have to wait for the bowl to cool down totally to do another bowl because as long it's hot you hash is going to melt in the screen when being removed.
Personaly the weed layer is maybe nice, but it's not a solution as people who smoke hash in france do that because they don't find weed and weed is twice the price.
Beezleb, the Ion would do it without that layer ?