It's still not clear how this will all work. USPS has kicked the can down the road on how to handle this. I suspect that is mainly because they don't want to and they are not interested in being the governing body on this. It seems there was little thought that went into how this would be administered and from whom when this bill was shoved in the stimulus plan.Is anyone aware of any shipments interrupted by application of the PACT act? I know some companies have made changes to avoid issues pertaining to this act, but I have not heard of anyone in the cannabis community who has been interfered with yet...
I'm shocked! Who would have thought there was gambling in this establishment?It seems there was little thought that went into how this would be administered and from whom when this bill was shoved in the stimulus plan.
Another wild point from that article: They mention that existing laws banning mail of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products were put in place to prevent tax evasion (IE you live in NYC where cigarettes have high taxes, so order your cigarettes from SC where the taxes are way lower).It say flowers not included, but then says said shipments are already illegal… how the fuck is that true. I signed for my Crafty shipped from S&B 2 weeks ago, guess that was illegal shipment???
“USPS notes that products like dry herb vaporizers, intended to vape cannabis flower rather than “solutions” like e-liquid or oil, may not fit the POSECCA definition, but are already prohibited from the U.S. Mail under separate rules. They are considered drug paraphernalia intended to be used with federally controlled substances, and therefore “unmailable.”
USPS Vape Mail Ban Is Now in Effect
The U.S. Postal Service will issue a rule tomorrow prohibiting U.S. Mail shipment of vaping products. It will become effective
Another wild point from that article: They mention that existing laws banning mail of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products were put in place to prevent tax evasion (IE you live in NYC where cigarettes have high taxes, so order your cigarettes from SC where the taxes are way lower).
So, all this talk of "making ecigs follow the laws we've had for cigarettes forever" is an absolute farce. No child was getting cigarettes from the mail in the first place, that mail ban was entirely to restrict people from utilizing a very real tax loophole. So why apply the same rules to vaping products that don't fall at all within the same situation? There's little to no incentive to buy vape products online just to avoid paying some taxes.
These rules seem like they just can't admit that the products are different. I absolutely guarantee that all the kids vaping in middle schools got their vapes from a shady convenience store clerk, not some random online storefront. And the idea that "oh you can't mail cigarettes so you shouldn't get to mail vapes" completely misses the point of WHY you aren't allowed to mail cigarettes.
God, all this just makes my blood absolutely boil. None of this legislation will help a single person, besides maybe big tobacco (which was probably the point) and hurt so many nicotine/cannabis consumers for absolutely no. reason.
EDIT: I'd also just like to point out, I'm a former vape user. Quit using nicotine entirely months ago. I started using nicotine with vapes, not tobacco. And I STILL support people's right to use nicotine products, especially vaporizers, and get those products mailed to them. Even if you personally abhor nicotine, the fact remains vaping is a vital harm reduction tool to get people away from tobacco products, and treating the two products the same is a severely misguided approach that reduces the efficacy of vaping as a quitting tool.
To the extent that “heat-not-burn cigarette” refers to a product that functions by heating tobacco leaf matter just shy of the point of combustion, such products vaporize a solid mass of processed tobacco leaf, not an aerosolized solution. As discussed in the preceding section, it seems likely that such products fall outside the POSECCA's definition of ENDS products.
Have you noticed that every dry herb vape company has stopped using the word "vaporizer"? This is the reason, dry herb vapes will continue to be fine. The law is all about "technically". The Post Office can't say "technically" your not an ENDS but we'll ban you anyway. I mean they could, but they'd be sued by all the companies that make TEDS and then the PO would loseWhat is technically true and what is actually true are often dissimilar. I think if we are expecting the USPS to make these decisions about what is legal and what is not legal to ship that is unlikely to go well. They are certain to take the easiest path, and that is likely to prohibit shipping for much of the industry.
These products use an “e-liquid” that may contain nicotine, as well as varying compositions of flavorings, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and other ingredients. The liquid is heated to create an aerosol that the user inhales.
ENDS may be manufactured to look like conventional cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some resemble pens or USB flash drives. Larger devices, such as tank systems or mods, bear little or no resemblance to cigarettes.
You are presumably referring to a VC here, which is not an electronic device and is not included in this particular law and should not be effected by it. This is not a law prohibiting vaporiers, it is a law prohibiting electronic devices that vaporize. Butane vapes should me fine.A TED contains no liquid and there's no place to put a liquid. The DynaCoil on the other hand might disappear.
electronic devices that "aerosolize" a "solution" are banned.
Personally, I also vaporize cannabis concentrates, so, this is a big problem for me, and as mentioned, falls under the wide brush they are painting with regarding 'vaporizers'. Sucks.
Yes, they are all changing the wording to avoid potential problems. Since years ago actually when the 1st bans were taking place, many companies changed their return addresses so they no longer contained 'ecig' or 'vapes' or anything resembling vaporizers.
Also, if you read the PDF you can clealy see where they are including cannabis vaporizers in their ban.
See here: .
Reading a more explanatory synopsis, it's clear here as well that cannabis vaporizing is included in this ban, see here: .
I do believe they could avoid the USPS ban insisting that their product is not intended to stop people from smoking, which is also their agenda if you read the PDF.
It seems folks like Arizer and others are doing UPS or other modes of shipment, because UPS and other carriers have a more specific 'nicotine device' ban, rathjer than a 'vape' ban, because of the PACT ruling declaring nicotine liquid and devices, including things like metal wire, batteries, mods, etc... are now classified as 'tobacco' and thus cannot be shipped.
Actually, for years now Arizer has sold their products stricly as 'aromatherapy devices' and even include some lavender and rose petals for u to put in your aroma bowl and get the effect of aromas (terpenes).
One manufacturer I know is now selling his concentrate vapes as 'volatile terpene distributors' and 'concentrate heaters'.
Where there is a will, there is usually a way, and some folks are dedicated to getting their devices to people, so they can use their medicine in a truly medicinal way.
Speaking of lawsuits, by the way, there are a few vape companies challenging the ruling: .
Also, talking about heat-not-burn devices, Atria is going to stop selling their IQOS heat-not-burn device which was basically a vapoorizer but it got FDA approval. So there goes that.
What Cybeguy said is true, though, the USPS and GOV are not interested in the fine details that make our medicinal herb products a different animal than nicotine delivery systems, ENDS.
So I can say it will take some ingenuity but I think there will be a way. Also, there are 'Regional Carrriers' operating and widening the range of ZIP codes they will deliver to over the coming months, and they have no vape ban.
All the best !
Yes. Indeed.the mailing of cannabis devices was already explicitly illegal due to the drug paraphernalia law.
Yes. Indeed.
This is why they are known as aromatherapy devices, soldering irons, heating devices... anything but 'vape' or 'vaporizer'.
The problem with this ban is that it gives a very broad definition regarding things turned into vapor with which u inhale directly.
The other problem is that some cannabis vapes require a 'mod', I.E. the battery and chip with housing, in order to operate. Such as the Splinter series of vapes. You simply DO need a mod for them to work. Under the current ruling, they are considered 'tobacco products, believe it or not, and thus cannot be shipped now.
This is also an issue with concentrate vaporizers which require a mod to operate.
However, I didn't mean to doom-and-gloom in regards to this ban... it's just going to get a little trickier.
Also, this ban is for business-to-retail customer shipping. Does not include business-to-store/business, so vape shops can still sell them.
Issue with that is hardly any vape shops are open out where I am because of rampant 'flavor bans' sweeping across the state, county-by-county, forcing the vape shops to close due to lack of business.
Don't worry though folks there will be ways to get your supplies !
I think its safe to say that is largely a farce.
Funny you mention this because I ordered a Mighty last week and chose USPS Priority. When I finally got the tracking info it was from UPS.because UPS and other carriers have a more specific 'nicotine device' ban, rathjer than a 'vape' ban, because of the PACT
BT (big tobacco) aren't against e-cigs as long as they are the ones selling them. BT has brought a few fabulously unsuccessful product to the market. Meanwhile an essentially open source grass roots group came up with a product the works far better than anything from the tobacco of pharma segment. It quickly grew into a multi billion dollar market that the good old boys had no part of.Why are you guys acting like big tobacco is against e-cigs...they make and sell both?!?!?