Vaporizer Starting to Smell - What to Do?

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Well-Known Member
I always thought that no one could smell me vaping but, to my horror, I found out that the hallway stank of weed after my flatmate told me when he came home late one night after I was vaping. I'm sure that this wasn't always the case, as I've got the Woodeez, which isn't meant to smell much. Considering that I don't think I've ever cleaned the vape, my neighbors have probably been smelling me vaping for months. So, while the neighbours haven't said anything, I would still prefer it if they couldn't smell it from now on..

Therefore, what can I do to make sure that the smell doesn't seep out into the hallway? I'm planning to always place a towel under the door in which I'm vaping in, but what else can I do?

Is it the stems that generate the most smell? If so, will soaking them in surgical spirit be good enough (isopropanol isn't so easy to find in the UK)?

I'm guessing that a lot of weed has gone down the tube, into the unit. How is it possible to clean this? Or in other words, how can I make my Woodeez function like the day I bought it again?


Vapor Enthusiast
Therefore, what can I do to make sure that the smell doesn't seep out into the hallway? I'm planning to always place a towel under the door in which I'm vaping in, but what else can I do?

I can't answer your questions about cleaning, however I can tell you that after I finish vaping in my bedroom, you can smell it in the living room. I have air fresheners and I keep the window and fan on in the bedroom. Towel's would also be good.

Sadly, vaping doesn't eliminate the smell, just helps it go away faster in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Are you blowing clouds? While vaporizer's do smell they don't tend to reek (My DaBuddha has never been cleaned and doesn't smell, of course its not the same as a woodeez) Its more likely the vapor from the skunk, if you take smaller hits or hold them in longer you might notice a decreased smell?
Also you can get isopropyl on ebay for like £6-7 a litre.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Therefore, what can I do to make sure that the smell doesn't seep out into the hallway? I'm planning to always place a towel under the door in which I'm vaping in, but what else can I do?

One easy thing to do is minimize the vapour you exhale, but are you sure it's the Woodeez and not your buds? My stash smells way more than any of my devices.

Before you do anything drastic, assess the problem. Load up your Woodeez the way you normally would, then leave it on and take a 15 minute walk. See what you think of the smell in the hall when you come back. Do the same thing after a decent session.

Maybe your flatmate is a bloodhound. Does he have a sad look and droopy ears?


Well-Known Member
One easy thing to do is minimize the vapour you exhale, but are you sure it's the Woodeez and not your buds? My stash smells way more than any of my devices.

Before you do anything drastic, assess the problem. Load up your Woodeez the way you normally would, then leave it on and take a 15 minute walk. See what you think of the smell in the hall when you come back. Do the same thing after a decent session.

Maybe your flatmate is a bloodhound. Does he have a sad look and droopy ears?

Hmmm, could be the strain of weed. It's amnesia lemon haze, which is much better than what I usually get. My Woodeez is left on 24/7, so maybe it's not the vape that smells. You're right, I should take a walk after a session and see what it smells like when I come back, as I rarely venture outside when I'm high (I vape at like 1 or 2 in the morning), except on weekends.


Vapor Enthusiast
Hmmm, could be the strain of weed. It's amnesia lemon haze, which is much better than what I usually get. My Woodeez is left on 24/7, so maybe it's not the vape that smells. You're right, I should take a walk after a session and see what it smells like when I come back, as I rarely venture outside when I'm high (I vape at like 1 or 2 in the morning), except on weekends.

Do you also have the window open with a fan on? That could help greatly while you're using.

Roger D

Vapor Wizard
For odor control my best buy is a strong ionizer, it is working really well. The only con is that you have to clean the filter every week to keep it efficient.

I also fully insulated my door with technical foam tape (cheap and easy) to prevent odors from escaping or coming up from outside (kitchen..). I also use warm water filtration, hold my hits long time.. It removes a lot of the odor on the exhaled vape, you can keep it really low. I don't have to hide anything but I don't like how it can stink when it stales, also, when I stay in a room too much full of vapors, I get sneezes and my nose itches inside.

When the smell gets too strong, you have to open windows, ionizers works really well but if the air gets saturated with too much vapors then it is a lot to handle in once for them. When I slow down my sessions, I both stretch my medication and stink up less my room
Roger D,


Well-Known Member
Do you also have the window open with a fan on? That could help greatly while you're using.

No. It's incredibly cold at the moment. More importantly, there's also the little problem of the window being stuck.
Think I'm just going to have to clean the stems, put a towel under the door, take small hits and hold them in, and make sure that I'm not burning the weed. Maybe I've just got complacent, as I've lived there for over a year now.


vapor accessory addict
Didn't the Woodeez come with an aroma cup? If not, go out and get a copper 1/2" pipe cap at your local hardware store that will fit on top to use as an aroma cup. Then buy some essential oil. Lemongrass is pleasant and one of the less expensive ones. Eucalyptus is also inexpensive.

Since you leave your vape on 24/7, you could keep the cap on when you aren't there. Soon, your room will smell like the essential oil more than anything else.

Keeping the vaping stems clean will also help, not only with the smell, but the function of the vape. You mentioned you cannot get ISO over there. I wonder if you can get something like PBW. Not sure if it's available there. I've been using it to clean everything vape related these days, including my vaping stems. You can read about it here.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Anybody that fools themselves into thinking that they can hide the smell of cannabis are doing just that ... fooling themselves :) ... we can't hide ... there are things that make it smell less, but it's still a really smelly plant ... especially some strains ... this one batch of Jean Guy I had, I opened it at the back of a garage, and someone at the front of the garage by the open door, who knows I was about to get a session ready to vape ... all of a sudden looked up and asked me if I smelled the skunk ... before he smiled realizing that it was the jar I just opened 15 feet away.

My workshop where I keep my vapes and meds reeks of cannabis constantly ... it's unavoidable ... I don't notice it that much but people that aren't used to it I'm sure it almost knocks them over when they walk in :)
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Always make sure you have proper ventilation. Hold your hits as well. the more visible vapor you can see exhaled the more noticeable the smell will be.


Well-Known Member
Herb stinks to hell that's all there is too it, i keep my stash and stems in a air tight Tupperware container to keep the smell down to a minimum.
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