Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects


It's this rush some non converted smokers miss when they first try. But 5 minutes after cashing a bowl they recognize they are pretty stoned comparably with minutes after a joint. ( If of course you prepare everything right and dial each vapes technique for them)
I only agree with this of all your statements. With the high-temperature method, you must clearly know what your norm is, otherwise the condition may become too much. But that’s the beauty of it, when through trial and error you find your norm, you make one bowl and are free to do other things without turning vaping into an endless religious mass.

And the stepwise approach, although it has the advantages of a smooth rise in state, I mean when you change the contents of the bowl for new flowers and increase the temperature, but thereby increases your tolerance with each new bowl! In total, to achieve the state of “your norm” you will need much more + overclocked tolerance!


Well-Known Member
the most powerful effect is achieved only at high temperatures
I agree with that, however, I'd say its extremely relative as if you release all the CBD by fully vaping the herb, it will neutralize the THC effects so I found that a long sessions using a lot of material at med temps, and then roasting a bit more, can yield a big buzz. The Highest I got was with Sativa (Thai Haze) created a tinnitus issue where the slightest touch on my feet would trigger loud noises in my ears I had to call the night off and roll into a ball in my bed the highest effect is not always what we want. that was probably 15 big bowls over a 40 minute period (I didnt take note of the exact circumstances but never got there again). I probably could get higher that night, like a few years before when we rolled a half ounce joint with a few buddies
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