I have been putting in time with the vapor cup and I think I am at a good point to express some opinions and experiences with the Vaporcup.
First off my biggest speed bump with the vape was getting the initial factor smell to go away (the silicon disc that seals the oven seemed to be the problem). I started with 10 burn offs at the max temp of 400 fahrenheit for 18 mins which is the auto shut off. I still found it to have an odor but was getting anxious to try this new vape, so I started using the glass stem. I would say it still had an odor and taste until about the next 5 sessions, putting it at about 15 burn offs possible needed to make it seem "safe" to inhale. This is my experience and others might have different findings.
Once it seemed to have no distinctive taste or odor I really started to experiment with this vape and different temps.
As of now I enjoy loading the glass stem with the straw technique and tampering it down until its just about a 1/4 inch from the top. I turn on the unit and bump the temp down to about 335 and will get a solid amount of hits probably 12 or more good tasty hits. next I bump it up to about 375 and get the next level of goods probably about 6 more hits and finish on 400 for the last few hits left. This 3 temp climb works perfect with the 18 minute auto shut off!
I have noticed I am just stirring once in the middle of the session and get a very nice even abv with a medium brown color. This is a very nice surprise b/c I find other vapes with a similar style I stir a lot more.
So far I haven't had to clean it but it will be a breeze with the heating chamber to coming out and just iso cotton swab the stem when it gets built up.
This vape fits my missing link which is a session vape that is low maintenance and stealth when needed. I have used it in the car with a pre loaded stem and find it perfect! I will continue to test this vape a lot more but I think I am definitely finding it to work very well. I want to play around with whole nuggets. I'm not sure how much I will load the heating chamber and use the other stems b/c it is quite a bit larger of a load and not exactly what I need unless its a Sunday movie night!
I do find the battery to be shorter life than I hoped. I am getting about 4 sessions max and I might be even have it plugged in for the initial heat up.
Pros: Stealth, Taste, Easy to clean, simple sessions, almost no stirring, Cool to touch even after back to back sessions, ability to pre load stems, user changeable battery. led lights shut off after a minute or two, Kill switch on the bottom its love hate I love it b/c it wont turn on in a bag but hate it b/c I always forget to turn it off! Really love the 18 minute auto shut off thats a great time for a session!
Cons: short battery life, lots of plastic parts, Lack of stealth with glass stem, longer heat up time
I think a few upgrades to this vape could make it a real competitor in this fast changing vaporizer world. Definitely needs a stainless steel stem to go into the oven like the glass stem. An option to have a ebony wood and/or black glass stem would be cool! I would cut out all the stems used when packing the heating chamber and focus more on the a stem system that packs in side the stem like the glass one. A battery upgrade would be huge with the large body I'm sure you could pack a killer batter in there that make it a much longer battery life.
Over all I am more than impressed with this vape after a bumpy start. I emailed back and forth with Michael a few times and he seems like a really good guy that truly believes in this vape. He reassured me the the silicon oven sealer disc was safe and if it still had an odor he would replace it. He was right and now I don't get any smells or taste which leaves this vape having a very clean vapor signature when using the glass stem.
I will try to get some pictures soon but until then I will be sipping the vapor cup!!