Captain Comply
Wellness over intoxication
Hi there Everyone,
I wanted to stop by and post some fun stuff. However I'm am so sorry to hear about some of the recent heater problems people are having. Rest assured youve got Vapor Brothers attention and hopefully your receiving the same A+ service I'm used to experiencing. Know that there is positive CeramFam vibrations being sent to you from the Captain. You'll be obliterating all types of high-end concentrates soon my friends.
Me and VB2 #61 have been getting a lot if travel as of late. First the Beast Coast Secret Cup than a quick trip up north to relax. Now just back from the Boston Freedom Rally and NORML VIP party. So many of the Industry folks LOVED trying the VB2. One of my favorite parts of sharing the This little unit is the ah ha moment when smart people get just how easy it is. I've turned newbs into dab masters In Seconds. At the party on Saturday night in Boston after about an hour and a half of tending the VB2 and hitting off different patients I left an extremely well-known notable figure, an executive board member of normal to man the VB2 station. At one point I looked up from hitting my buddies H Nail and saw him with delight describing how to hit the DVB2 to his friends. I'm telling you guys this unit just brings people together!
Well that's all for now I'm working on a few neat things so I'll keep you posted. Hang In There CeramFam!
I wanted to stop by and post some fun stuff. However I'm am so sorry to hear about some of the recent heater problems people are having. Rest assured youve got Vapor Brothers attention and hopefully your receiving the same A+ service I'm used to experiencing. Know that there is positive CeramFam vibrations being sent to you from the Captain. You'll be obliterating all types of high-end concentrates soon my friends.

Me and VB2 #61 have been getting a lot if travel as of late. First the Beast Coast Secret Cup than a quick trip up north to relax. Now just back from the Boston Freedom Rally and NORML VIP party. So many of the Industry folks LOVED trying the VB2. One of my favorite parts of sharing the This little unit is the ah ha moment when smart people get just how easy it is. I've turned newbs into dab masters In Seconds. At the party on Saturday night in Boston after about an hour and a half of tending the VB2 and hitting off different patients I left an extremely well-known notable figure, an executive board member of normal to man the VB2 station. At one point I looked up from hitting my buddies H Nail and saw him with delight describing how to hit the DVB2 to his friends. I'm telling you guys this unit just brings people together!

Well that's all for now I'm working on a few neat things so I'll keep you posted. Hang In There CeramFam!