WOW WOW WOW there is so much here now, so where do I catch up. Sorry guys, I was gone too long. Got so much to explain. I will do it in little bits and pieces, disjointed perhaps. Here's a big start:
Vito's understanding of the device is awesome. We chose to ask him to be the first outside person to try the wax converter because he seemed to us to be one of the most analytical, critical, and not easy to please people on FC. So if the device got his approval, well, +1 point for the device.
Desktop model, yes. Capable of turning anything into dense steam in an instant. This is basically a superheated ceramic plate surrounded by ceramic and glass. For people who are familiar with our vapor box, we only allow ceramic or glass into the hot zone, and high temp medical grade silicone nearby. This translates to a really great taste- no plastic odors or metal aftertaste in your hit.
Dabbing through tubing/ water. You can use it a few ways. The accessory "direct draw straw" that Vito was using is one way. Dabbing through tubing ain't bad when you're using our tubing. We supply high temperature silicone for the VB2, not the clear plastic we stock with our vapor box. Nobody's noticed a taste yet. Anyway, your comments motivates us to get glass on glass into a waterpipe without tubing. Stay tuned for that... and send me your ideas. @
Price. yes it stings, but if it helps soothe the shock at all: Less that what people typically spend on their high end rigs. Similar to metal e-nails, which give a bubbly more smoky low temperature hit and have no housing. The price is what barely keeps us in business; which is how we've always run our business. This device is not for everybody, or even most people. But if you want the best hit you've ever had, over and over again without delay until as Vito told us he was giggling because his lips were sticking together, this is the device for you.
Mynameismud I'll make whatever you're talking about but will PM you to get a better idea what you're talking about
The ceramic, unnamed for now to slow down copying. @
nopartofme Most our ordinary ceramic parts are a material similar to porcelain but 5 times stronger. It is not high tech but we like it that way because it's simple and strong and we absolutely want to avoid the toxic side effects of any fancy materials that we don't understand. The housing is quite a big chunk and yes that makes up part of the cost, along with the internals that are ceramic as well. We are not against plastic when used in a cool place, but there is no cool place on this box except the bottom. Even though there's a 15 minute auto shutoff, all VB vaporizers are designed to handle the temperature of being on forever, so you're welcome to get around the shutoff by cycling the switch periodically. You might want an oven mitt handy if you do.
Hippie Dickie it's about 4min heatup imo, hoping to make this much faster in the future. 45W. Settings might change but currently at about 750F and 950F, the higher one similar to a hot and fast nail. Any cooler and your stuff tends to bubble, smoke, and linger for too long. The ceramic plate cleans itself back to pure white at the end of your hit.
No worries @
kindbeats and the other guys who think the price is crazy. Alright, back to work. We're suddenly sold out and can't even put this on the website yet. Working to fulfill the first orders this week.
Thanks everybody...