Well-Known Member
VB2 should be back tomorrow. One week round trip sure isn't bad.
I have one being delivered in a couple of hours. Can't wait to try this! I have 9 strains to test in this experiment. Extensive testing required! Inquiring minds want to know what all the fuss is about!VB2 should be back tomorrow. One week round trip sure isn't bad.
I have one being delivered in a couple of hours. Can't wait to try this! I have 9 strains to test in this experiment. Extensive testing required! Inquiring minds want to know what all the fuss is about!
I am curious as well to see how you like it. I'm sending the one I was using back to its home. I feel somewhat less inclined to buy one. Maybe if there were more temperatures to choose from...I have one being delivered in a couple of hours. Can't wait to try this! I have 9 strains to test in this experiment. Extensive testing required! Inquiring minds want to know what all the fuss is about!
Seems like a bunch of us are tapping our foots waiting for your reply.I have one being delivered in a couple of hours. Can't wait to try this! I have 9 strains to test in this experiment. Extensive testing required! Inquiring minds want to know what all the fuss is about!
FWIW, I found the best hits from the unit I was using by setting to M then turn to L when hot. I also found that having my dab just barely dangling from the dabber allowed the dab to fall off above the dish. This stopped it from running up the dabber.
Once you get hooked on it you're fucked, so good luck in decidingAfter getting used to the Cheesebox aka Honey Pot aka Pot Crock, the old methods start to seem really cumbersome.
I AM VERY HAPPY WITH MY PURCHASE! I AM ALSO DONE WITH TESTING FOR TODAY. Can't really find many words tonight. It's worth the money. Flavor is awesome. Unbelievable actually. The effects are literally mind blowing. Paralyzing. Overall I'm more impressed than i thought I'd be. I can't figure why my skillet tools Honeybun dabber doesn't allow the concentrate to vaporize. Is it the fact it's stainless on ceramic?
When I drop concentrate down in the dish it performs like a MASTER, but when i use the skillet it doesn't even work, the dab just melts on to the skillet tool. Anyone know what that is?
Extensive testing proved my theory correct. The New insert took the VB2 back to the original performance!!
EXCELLENT NEWS!!! I'll be tying to grab about 10 packs at a time now! My first heater cover lasted an exact week!! With that type of burn rate I'm looking at quite a few replacements. Needless to say i use my unit relentlessly!Good news. I should have two new ones any minute. I noticed a definite loss of flavor on my last few sessions and there may have been a gradual dropoff before that I didn't really notice.
EDIT: Actually, I think I know what happened. The last time I had trouble with top temperature the newer disc was dirty and unable to self-clean and some of the residue dripped onto the bottom, making me not want to put that one back on the heater so I went back to the older one. I bet that one was just too used up.
EDIT 2 (after arrival of new ceramic heater covers): WOW! I guess I completely forgot how this thing was really supposed to perform. I didn't even know what I was looking at for a second after the dab melted and fell, but it was the dancing @Cannabis Connoisseur was talking about. It danced and sizzled and gave a completely different hit than I have been getting recently. I'm really excited for this thing again.
I'm gonna do some testing real soon to see if the lack of taste Diehard was getting from my unit was due to an older disc.
That was the first indication there was something different happening. It seemed my dabs weren't being completely obliterated!Definitely worth checking out. There was a huge difference. I couldn't believe I had forgotten how well it was supposed to work. It seemed to waste some product as well, in hindsight.
Man this is a definite factor in this uunit.So I have done @DieHard a disservice by loaning him my VB2 with a dirty disk. Yesterday I fired up the old disk with some of his concentrate and it tasted just like the shit I always use. Then I hit it on a clean skillet and it was like night and day. Much cleaner and tastier. I'm gonna have to figure out another tasting for you, buddy!
After reading this for a while, inquiring minds want to know: How long do disks last before change? How much are disks? Difficulty factor in changing disk. Can you clean a disk?