I have a VaporBrothers hands free and a bubbler.Had the VB for many years,7/8/9?,
Have severe COPD but using the VB before I was diagnosed.
Got a small mirror under mine to reflect the light,my left hand can reach out and touch it so it's easy to attach hose.Right beside my computer.
On it from the time I wake up until about an hour before I go to bed.I also do my infused olive oil so I'm pretty much wasted for a good 4 to 5 hours with a milder buzz the rest of the time.Just really getting really messed up.
I live alone and don't let anyone into my apartment.
I take care of any personal matters before I get too wasted.
Can't do the VB and the oil then go out,can't put a coherent sentence together when I'm that stoned.But if I get involved with doing something before the oil kicks in then I can concentrate enough to at least appear normal.
Just did 4 tsp of my oil about half an hour ago and have been vaping for about 4 hours already and I can feel the oil kicking in.
I also have a spare VB along with spare everything except the bubbler.
Oh and this bowl of bud has some Kief sprinkled in it.Got gifted a tiny amount of Kief,all gone now.
My VB is my friend
very stoned now and climbing