I'm thinking elbow screen from the EQ ... (a little bigger than the Cloud's)That screen looks a lot like the top cap on one of the elb from the Cloud.
I'm thinking elbow screen from the EQ ... (a little bigger than the Cloud's)That screen looks a lot like the top cap on one of the elb from the Cloud.
JCat, you win a prize. They are indeed the same as the EQ elbow screens. The ELB caps are a tad bit smaller.I'm thinking elbow screen from the EQ ... (a little bigger than the Cloud's)
Ah, got it. Thanks.
So there is a PonG (trademark pending) adapter that connects to the oil adapter? It seems that the provided PonG could somehow be fastened to the oil adapter without too much trouble. Or does the adapter have it's own PonG piece to it?
Yeah, there's an oil PonG, that's the 1% you're
Get us a milkshot video or 12 Stu and OF, through the provided hydratube and other pieces as well!
Good eye! OF will hand you your prize on the way out.
Curious still about the comparison of airflow and taste vs Solo ... (wish I had kept all the extra EQ screens I had when I sold it now!!!!)
EDIT: firecrackers ate my brain and lost my thought. What I meant to say is the wait for a performance verdict is painful, how's heat retention can you rip the hell out of it back to back?
And I third thatI second that
Even if I had Stu's real name and address probably wouldn't do much good ... I'm so far up North here even fellow Canadians think I live in the middle of nowhere!Now if we can invent "televaping" ... think were still a ways off from converting vapor to electrical signals and back though ...
Middle Ontario ... so you mean around North Bay/Sudbury area?LOL I can only imagine where you live...I used to live in the middle of Ontario nowhere myself...![]()
Agreed ... I believe the restrictive draw on the Solo, for instance, is designed that way intentionally due to heat retentionI mean heat retention is key, I mean its what sets the cloud apart from the competition. The ability to just hit and hit and hit with minimal heat loss allows for a much better experience due to the consistent hits. The original VB had a nice bounce back, I think it was <10 seconds and that's if you really really ripped it.
Come on Stu and OF, I know you want to get to know the VB2 before you give detailed reviews but at least you can tell us what the airflow is like and taste.
I don't think the volume of herb matters that much as far as potential to create clouds for us cloud seekers (my VXL Cloud creates very nice Clouds with .15 of herb or even less although I find .15 to be ideal for instance).
Also appreciate the opinion on taste ... I'm excited ... the what appears to be all stainless path apart from mouthpiece and/or PonG seems very promising (I like glass and SS for materials)
I sort of agree with your first statement, but it's a matter of how fast you can vape the contents of a bowl, if you can take two 20-30 second inhales and completely vape a bowl, then at .15g (give or take), it should be relatively dense (dense enough for me anyways ... but I agree ... it's a matter of opinion). I want to be able to vape a bowl to completion in 2-4 hits, so that it doesn't always consume a bunch of my time but I can get sufficiently medicated and get back to my life (similar requirements to SliM).I think it depends on our talking density or volume. BDV has proven conclusively the lowly MFLB can 'milk up' a WP to please the most ardent but it takes time so volume is not enough for many. IMO 'huge clouds' and 'dense clouds' can only happen in real time when you have a lot of material going since we can't flash it all off in an instant like you can with oil on a nail for instance. If you want lots fast you'll need to have a lot of bud in the project I think?
I agree I find SS taste free (I use it in table ware in fact....), like glass and some plastics. Let's hope the plastics used come from that group, it seems reasonable to assume they are but it merits testing for sure.
The plastic in the vapor path is actually one of my top concerns when I first saw this and the primary reason I never even really looked at the original VB. Plastic always raises big red flags for me, but that being said, depending what heat the plastic will actually be exposed to and depending on the actual material, it can be fine (it's not like we're microwaving it!)
I think we should call the glass WT, for water tool, and not HT. Part of patenting your shit is defending your shit, and we don't need to start down a road that might lead to VXL having to be antogonistic.
In other news I notice mine sometimes has trouble 'waking up' taking many pushes to get going, Stu you see this? I also note if you start it up, get the bars for battery check then hold it down to shut down rather than start heating you get 2 flashes of the top LED (blue) only with a pause followed by 8 flashes. This doesn't happen when shutting down normally. You see that as well? I wonder what that's about?
It's my understanding the use of the term HT has been approved by VXL? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
While I agree we should pick a term and stick with it, perhaps TRVB should do that? It is his product......
And one from my crazy pile....if you sniff the heater area while its on max temp...what does it smell like to you? Any noticeable smells or gasses in any funky lights etc? I wanna get this shit out of the way so I don't get surprised like I have in the past. Does it seem like I'll approve of the air path? No robofarts?
Just be careful not to burn any of those nose hairsI'll check for this and give the unit a full burn in before I put any herb in it.
Is the concentrate bowl thingy aluminum or stainless? It sounds to me like "digital dabbing" haha. Heat the "bucket?" up and drop some oil on and quickly add the straw. Pretty cool. What are the chances of getting that made in stainless? Or hell maybe even a titanium one as an option for the dab enthusiasts?
How is the flavor both through the glass and direct?
And one from my crazy pile....if you sniff the heater area while its on max temp...what does it smell like to you? Any noticeable smells or gasses in any funky lights etc?
I'll check for this and give the unit a full burn in before I put any herb in it.