Vapor Spam Thread


? & beyond
Yeah, I figured you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving -- I was just wondering if you had a similiar 'feast holiday' in NZ....

That sucks about the little one, I hope she is OK.... trampolines can be dangerous -- we use to have one as a kid and I was always hurting myself doing flips on it. One day the trampoline just broke (their was a tiny tear in it, and someone jumped right on it) -- better it, before me. :lol:

And haha, yea I noticed that typo... you know borken is slang? We use 'fubar' and 'borken' often at work. Good words. :p


lurking kiwi
:lol: We don't have anything similair. Next biggie is Christmas ... and I implement a freeze on all new activity from the 19th so I'll be working from home a lot :lol:

My girl will be ok. She's really accident prone but such a cutie. My 10yo son can do back flips and front flips and all sorts of shit. Not bad for a bonafide geek.



vapor junkie
Staff member
A big Sunday (Monday for some :\) morning cloud to everyone. :D


? & beyond
I am primarily Norwegian and I take offense to that Acolyte of Zinglon!

We are now launching the raid boats to pillage your town right now.... unless you take it back within the next 30 minutes! :brow: :lol:

And yea, that guys doesn't know what he is talking about, obvously. Cannabinoids vaporize too last I checked. ;)

Happy wake n' vake to you too vtac and all. :) I woke up at 1pm today.... so yeah.. :/


lurking kiwi
haha yeah hes a dope (no pun intended). Its a pretty tough crew on this particular forum and I'm often in the firing line because I am at times a little too honest and sincere :rolleyes:

I didn't wake n bake today ... down to ABV only and chances I might no score until the weekend. My PD is cold (man they feel lifeless when they aren't on) and I can see some restless nights coming on :uhoh: but I'm strangely looking forward to it. Abstinence is my only form of moderation and its been a full on 8 months without a break.

But you never know when the call might come in :brow:


Lovely Assistant
Sorry to hear you're out VaporCloud, and so, so sorry about your daughter's arm. I had a friend fall off of the trampoline last summer. She was doing Jello Shots all night though. :rolleyes:


lurking kiwi
I've still got some ABV so will be getting faded tonight (sorry Spiral that from you - great way to describe getting high) and for a very long time I'm not concerned about running out. Could that be the vapping or just getting old and contented?

My Daughter has bounced back to - thank goodness to because big week this week with end of year school dance recitals etc. :cool:

Acolyte of Zinglon

hmm i think im gonna hit the extreme threads again
this will be my third time :lol: ;)

edit: and i mean ALL the extreme threads, not just the two :cool:
Acolyte of Zinglon,

Acolyte of Zinglon

eh nevermind, i guess i wont read through right now, id just be tormenting myself with that which i cannot afford :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


? & beyond
Yeah, it gets dark here around ~3 so I got to see the planets before the moon even showed up. :lol: Then the clouds rolled in and everything vanished. :(

It might be out again tonight, luckily it's cleared up so heres to hoping!!!!! :brow:


lurking kiwi
Tried a couple of legal blends in the vg bong this arvo and farken hell I love this set up. I'm quite nicely toasted and the blends vapped real well in the vg bong. All thats missing is a beer to chug on :lol:

Did I mention I'm loving the VG bong setup :p


? & beyond

I wake up with a splitting headache.... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh today is gonna SUCK :(

edit// it wasnt too bad... headache is still their but it was a chill day of work... gonna do some cleaning and studying in a bit... something hilarious happened at work today I'll post about later, it's pretty grand if i do say so myself

but right now I am watching this little dog run on the ice on the pond... I'm contemplating if I should go out and try to scare it off the ice back home (it's the neighbors little anklebiter) or just wait and watch. This dog shits in our yard and tries to fight our super chill mutt all the time... so I'm undecided. I'll vape a bowl and think about it. :lol:

yea, thats water on the other end, how he hasn't fallen is a one helluva suprise to me... :|

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Sup y'all. I picked up my G4 today, with a brand new DC in board competently installed--and it's finally accepting a charge. It's even making it all the way to my battery now! :lol: Well, let me say, after this long of an absence from the world of the Internets, it's both a relief and a burden to be much reading to catch up on!!! Not the least of it to be found here: this place is gettin' BUSY! That makes me hope that our efforts here are having at least some effect...I know the amazing benefits of vapor speak for themselves and certainly don't require our prostelyzation, but I like to think that it can't hurt much, either. :)

I probably won't have much to say as I get back into the swing of this (ie: I have a SHIT-TONNE of work on my plate at the moment, and being "connected" again means I really have no excuse to ignore it anymore--not to mention it's mushroom season here--and not in the fields, either--so there's much work to be done), but I really missed all of the locals here and this place in general, so I just had to stop by and announce my unportentous return. It's REALLY nice to be back, even if it will mean I'm relegated to lurking for a while, just to catch up on the housekeeping. I'm okay with that...I've loved getting back to the "real world", and I highly doubt I'll be spending as much time on the net as I had been before my little crash, but I can say with honesty that I really missed you bastids. Good to be home. :peace: and :luv: in this house, and I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night/whatever.
partially veiled,


? & beyond
Hey dude. Nice of you to stop by. ;)

I know we have a lot of Canadians on this board, can they give me their opinion on the recent happenings in your government?

I read an article on it on and it sounds like things are really being shaken up out there, and Quebec might finally become it's own country??


Well-Known Member
Whoa really vaped at the moment.:lol: Anyone with me? You've gotta love those cloudy Extreme hits, and when taken through a bong... :ko:. What are you guys vaping out of at the moment?


VaporKing said:
Whoa really vaped at the moment.:lol: Anyone with me? You've gotta love those cloudy Extreme hits, and when taken through a bong... :ko:. What are you guys vaping out of at the moment?
PD(till i die)

the extreme for group gatherings(CLOUDZ! i say)

and my new vapor bong attachment

also my 20" PURE cobalt str8 tube GONG 18.8 triple tree perc(getting repaired at the moment at KIND CREATIONS)

14" roor crown lable steam roller(my vaping ice tube of choice!) no water so im gettign all the good flavor and aromas of the shit i pay for(hate not growing!)

all are my children at the moment :lol:

and oh shit am I roasty :o love this bud in my town!

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
SpiralArchitect said:
I know we have a lot of Canadians on this board, can they give me their opinion on the recent happenings in your government?

I read an article on it on and it sounds like things are really being shaken up out there, and Quebec might finally become it's own country??
Very exciting news indeed, my friend. Many people here are torn up about it...claiming that nobody has a right to do this, as the Conservatives were voted in just seven weeks ago, and therefore they represent the will of the nation blah blah. Historically it has been done plenty (actually, the now outraged Stephen Harper proposed his own coalition with the Bloc in 2004)--the problem is that most people don't understand the nuances of Canadian politics (and I'm CERTAINLY no expert here). It all goes back to responsible Canada there is the House of Commons, which is made up of the democratically elected MP's, individually representing both a riding a greater party. Like all politics, Canadian politics are notoriously esoteric and confusing, but for the most part the Prime Minister is merely the leader of the most representative party in the House of Commons. He/she can only remain in power as long as he/she retains the confidence of the majority of the MP's in the Lower House. By forming a coalition and thereby drawing their seats together, the "minority parties" (together making up a greater percentage of the vote than Conservatives) have more "sway" and can all cast a vote of non-confidence, effectively forcing the Governor General to strip leadership from the Conservatives and either call another election or appoint leadership to the newly formed coalition. Because we just held an election, it is very unlikely another would be called. That's really what all the excitement is there's a lot of talk about blocking the vote, about Harper trying to get Jean (the Governor General) to more or less shut down parliament for a period of time--basically do whatever he can to defeat this motion. There is SO much more to what's going on now...but politics are convoluted and not my area of expertise, so that's all I can really say. I know that's not an opinion per se, but I don't know that you get everything from reading the news I'm just trying to inform a little bit.

As for Quebec becoming its own nation under this new coalition...that's news to me. Harper is a liar and a bigot (:2c:), and I personally don't believe a word that spews from his tightly drawn lips. I'm not saying it's impossible, just HIGHLY improbable and not something I've even heard referenced anywhere but in that little sound-bite. Again...not my area of expertise, so there's a high probability I am misinformed. As for my own opinions...well, I couldn't be happier. I won't give political justification (although I've never voted Conservative, and most likely never will), but on a personal level I will say I have NEVER, EVER trusted or admired Stephen Harper. I have no other justification for this than that deep, cockles of the gut bad feeling that I (for better or worse) tend to trust over my highly confused reasoning faculties any day of the week. I sense it when I look in his beady little eyes: there is something horribly, horribly off with that man. I have been waiting with bated breath for the day when he will be "de-throned", and if it comes in the guise of a non-confidence motion, all the better: I've not had confidence in his abilities as a leader since day one of this charade.

Edit: I shouldn't have said I have no other justification than my personal feeling: I DO have political justification for my opinions re: Harper and the Conservative party in general, but I simply don't have time or reason to expound on them here...not exactly the time or place. Lets just say that the leadership of our Country at the current moment is anything but concerned with out Countries best interest, and that is well documented in its actions (especially in the termination of COUNTLESS public interest, eco-strategical and forward looking studies, programs and projects).

Then again...have they ever been? I don't mean to rattle the chain on my first night back, but who really thinks that Barack Obama is going to solve all the problems faced by the USA? I'm not saying he doesn't have huge potential, that he doesn't possibly portend great change and all of these things, but will placing a new face on the rotting throne of a system of governance and power that's been corrupt since day one REALLY change a thing? Or does it simply give the illusion of change? I'm very keen to watch both what's happening in Canadian politics now and certainly what will happen in 2009 with American politics, but I think if we're waiting for the grand summons to be passed down from on high which will make our lives complete and fulfilled, well...I think we may be waiting forever. To borrow the words of Michael Tsarion, all our focus on these celebrity politicians and political game-playing may amount to nothing more than the "re-arranging of the deck furniture on the Titanic"--if the whole ship is sinking, what good does it do putting another leader at the helm?
partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Welcome back to the virtual alternate world of knowledge and deception. It missed you. :p

It's embarrassing how little I know of Canadian politics but you did a good job of explaining the situation. Harper's an unqualified 'd-bag' and people want him out. That much I understand.

Enjoy your fungus. :D

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Thanks vtac. I missed it too. :p

It's funny you bring up that phrase...the tech guy who fixed my comp. was giving me some hassle this morning over how I've replaced all my icons and how I've renamed so many of my programs etc. One that stood out to him was the fact that my Safari has been renamed "The Alternate World of Knowledge and Deception". Dude looked at me like I had four heads. I couldn't tell if he was more uncomfortable then or when I was browsing my Bookmarks in his office (with him looking over my shoulder) and I hovered over the "Adult/Sexual Content" tab of my bookmarks folders for just a second too long. Haha, techie prudes!!!

On a more related note, I'm still on an abstinence LORD I wish I was vaping tonight though. Being back here makes me want to at least vape up a celebratory bowl. Ugh...oh well, there shall be time. I DO owe you all some reviews, as well. So I'll finally get around to that in the next little while. I'm also waiting for an order from 7th Floor to I'll have some new gear to show off soon. :)

Time to head off for real though (leaving the Internets all together now), so I will say goodnight/morning to y'all. Once more though, for posterity: it's GOOD to be back. :D
partially veiled,
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