Vapor Spam Thread


? & beyond
Yeah, it was like 10 bucks for a 6 pack... not very cheap :/ tasty tho....

I'm a big fan of kim chi, have you ever had that before Tom? You'd probably like it if you like pickled things.

edit/// This is too good to not post here.... enjoy

An Athiest in the Woods

Acolyte of Zinglon

i really want to try traditional german food, but the only thing that popped up when i searched for a german restaurant on google was weinerschnitzel :|
Acolyte of Zinglon,

Acolyte of Zinglon

im 50 miles due east in the central valley, ill keep it in mind if i plan a trip to sf though :tup:
edit: lots of beers? too bad i dont turn 21 for 3 years yet :lol:
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
Would you believe Kim Chee in Mississippi?

I've cut a lot of cabbage for Geampa's Kraut, Big crocks of it.

I like to to carrots and peppers with onions and ither firm veggies in vinegar too.

We used to make watermellon pickles too.


? & beyond
Watermelon pickles?

I had to google that one....

Tom, some day we shall feast on pickled delicacies together.... haha


Yes, we have kim chi up here... I use to date a Korean girl. Her mom would make the best homemade kim chi ever.... makes me drool just thinking about it.... :brow:

double edit//

Ah yes, so I started 'buttering' up a chess set I made in high school on the wood lathe.... man, it's truly amazing what this stuff does. Pictures of course when it's all done. this stuff works WONDERS!


? & beyond
I just thought I would say that I thoroughly enjoy this forum for it's intelligent, though provoking discussions..... much love to my fellow 'combustion fuckers', er wait.... you know what I mean. :lol:

Hope everyone had/is having a swell weekend. :)

3pm and it's already practically pitch black out and the rain isn't letting up.... :/ *sigh*


lurking kiwi
SpiralArchitect said:
Hope everyone had/is having a swell weekend. :)

3pm and it's already practically pitch black out and the rain isn't letting up.... :/ *sigh*
:mad: Its Monday here 13:37 at work ... and I hate Mondays. Light till 9pm though :p

But (edit) I had a primo weekend and such a great gig on Saturday afternoon. A really good crowd!


vapor junkie
Staff member
13:37 is another good time to vape. :)

A big Sunday/Monday evening/afternoon/whatever cloud to everyone. You guys are the best. :luv:



Well-Known Member
04:20 now this is wake and bake. A bit of Humbolt to start the day off right. :D

Yeah, mellon pickles, you take awy the green amd pink and use the white in between. Mmmmm.

I liikie the new smiley. :peace: :cool:


? & beyond
Sounds interesting Tom.....

and yea, 4:20am is most assuredly one hell of a 'wake n vape'. :lol:

I just woke up.... it's already noon (12:12) and the sun is starting to go down...... :( Time to turn on all my lights and get high. :lol: I got some cleaning to do today ( no work / school ).

Now here is a song to wake up to....... soooooo groovy. :peace:


lurking kiwi
Hey Spiral, why is it when I go to view that vid it tells me its not available in my country :shrug: I thought youtube was like world wide ... like the interweb :uhoh: When did youtube become country specific?


vapor junkie
Staff member
That's a record label vid channel so they can specify which countries have access using geotargeting. vids don't work in Canada either. :mad:

You could use a U.S. proxy to avoid it. Aren't you in IT? :lol: Just kidding bro.


? & beyond
That sucks vaporcloud, what is odd is it's an Australian band too! You'd figure they would at least NZ watch.... :/

anyways, the band is Empire of the Sun and the song is Walking on a Dream

I like the new paisley background. Very sleek. :D


lurking kiwi
We beat the Aussies in the World cup Rugby League last weekend - so maybe they are still dark on us :lol:


? & beyond

possibly... :p If you ever do check it out, let me know what you think... I'm still jamming your tunes basically on a daily basis. :cool:

I got some hash going in the VaporWarez right now.... haven't used this puppy in quite some time... almost a little too intense, making me cough like a madman!!! I'm just so damn use to the Purple-Days.... :/

The mouthbong technique makes it much more enjoyable, but god damn....... :ko:


ugh, after one more of those hits I just decided to turn it off. I'll save this half-vaped bowl for a rainy day.... it was just way too harsh... I might even just take my VaporWarez off it's throne on my desk and replace it with the Purple-days, seeing as it kinda just follows me around, like some little critter on my shoulder. :ninja:


lurking kiwi
I know what you mean. I do still hit my vaporite most days but only for a single session and fresh green in it makes me cough and it does seem hotter than the PD. I do still really like to hit the ABV and take it right to the brink and thats mainly what the whip vape is for now. Sometimes I'll chase a PD bowl with a ABV vaporite cloud and then you get the full head and body affect.

I'm still jamming your tunes basically on a daily basis
Sweet man. I'll send them in dribs and drabs as I find them. Some of the early recordings are a bit scratchy ... you can really tell the rattly bonged out vocals in the early stuff. :rolleyes:

I'm planning on trying to pen a vapor/purple-days tune at some stage. It could become our anthem lol

:lol: :lol: :lol:


? & beyond
Yea, I flicked it back on later in the night and took one more hit. Put me to sleep. :p

But yeah, I basically use it (not that I have been much recently) for the higher temp/body high.... it's still enjoyable, I just need to get my friend to mail me my Bluedot bong so I can hook it up and enjoy some ice-cooled hits..... when I was at the headshop looking for metal parts for the VaporGenie bong-mod (they ordered the parts for me, should be here in a week or so) they had a really nice GONG bubbler I was tempted to buy, but I opted not to. She said it should be going on sale before x-mas. :brow:

And I don't mind raw vocals. I'm a big Modest Mouse fan, not sure if they are popular in New Zealand but a lot of their music is very stringy, sketchy, emotionally raw music, but it is ever so brilliant. I saw them live in Arizona a few summers ago -- one of the best concerts I have been to! :)

If you wanna tune to jam to, you should check out Heart Cooks Brain( my favorite tune ), Dramamine( one of their first songs, shows their true talent before they got big ) Gravity Rides Everything is a great number too -- their latest offerings have been a little more accessible and poppy, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it's still amazing music, but it's long gone from the old Modest Mouse. Spitting Venom is one of their newer songs that I really love. Such a great buildup.... I think you'd really like them VC, that or hate them. ;)

That would be sweet if you wrote a Purple-Days theme song....... get some Jimi Hendrix style guitar in their.... ' All- dayyyyy, every- dayyyyy, those beautiful purple-dayssssssss' :lol:

Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!! (And for those who don't celebrate Turkey-day, I hope your dinner is exquisite regardless!) :D


lurking kiwi
I'm hoping my VG top will arrive today. Have the parts ready for my vaporbong. :tup: Will post some pics once its here. Nearly out of weed (again :mad: ) though ... hoping for a call today ;)


lurking kiwi
Nup ... thanks giving is not a holiday or something we recognise. I'm at work :( leaving early tho coz gotta take my daughter to the docs. She fell off the trampoline last night and might have a borken arm. :rolleyes: There tramp is one of those ones you CANNOT fall off because it is fully enclosed. She fell from the ladder getiing off. :uhoh:
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