made some brownies using avb. i had between 23-24 grams. i wish i could tell you the exact number, but i forgot to check before making the brownies

. my avb was a dark brown with some light brown mixed in. i dont have a picture but for comparsion, if you look at vtac's picture of his herb in the bowl, mine was a little darker then his, but still had some of that light brown in it. my buddy made the brownies using quaker brownie mix. i wish i knew the measurements that he used but following the directions, we used enough mix to make one batch. we used butter and not oil (he cooks alot and said their should be no difference in how it works compare to any oil, lie coconut, olive, etc. the only process we didn't do was straining it, mostly because he didn't feel the need or want to. he said its too much of a mess. now for the good part. eating of them. we divided the batch (a standard batch, i believe the recomended amount on the quaker bag) into halfs. one half was mine while the other was my buddies. he ate all of his, within 20 minutes, so about 11-12 grams. i ate mine slowly, and only could eat half of my half. i didn't much like the taste, but it wasn't a overpowering taste. if we had icing, it possibly could have help. now the high. for me, eating only 6 grams, i felt rough. i happened to get sick, and then after that, i felt very much couch locked like i couldn't move and my eye became very heavy, couldn't keep them open. should be noted that im still a light weight user and this is my first time eating brownies. my buddy, who is more of a heavier user and had brownies before, said that for only 10 minutes was it really bad for him, but he had the same cant-move-cant-keep-eyes-open feeling that i had. all in all it was ok, minus the sickness. we both figured the effects were of too much weed in the brownies. and thats my experience with avb brownies.
a few questions. 1. i still have some brownies, about 6 grams worth of avb in them. how long can i store them and how should i store them. right now they are in a ziploc bag, 2 days after being made, and are still soft. i wont be able to eat any for a while, due to plans this weekend and work. 2. was using butter instead of oil a mistake? im not knowledgeable in the cooking department, but it seems like most of the bakers in here are using oil. 3. does what i described seem like we used to much avb/ ate too many brownies? thanks for the help in advance.