Of course!
The cooking process. So the reason we decided on making Peanut butter cookies instead of brownies is to mask the horrid 'burnt popcorn' taste of AVB.
Your mix, and your oil. My friend lives right next to an organic grocer, so we got Canola oil at the recommendation of one of the hippies there.
Here is the AVB. It's roughly 80 grams. As you can see it's fairly well-vaped. This second picture is for a bit of perspective. If I had a clear container I would've used it, but that bowl is
very deep. I was running my hands through the AVB like 'Wholey shit! It's like a sandbox' it was so much....
So we got the oil warm. I stuck my finger in it. Didn't burn, but it was pretty warm. I slowly mixed in the AVB and just like in vtac's post, carefully watched and waited for a little bit of bubbles and steam. The material simmered for about 20 minutes (it came up to temperature rather fast, but I made sure it wasn't too hot by sticking my pinky in it. I went 1 notch past 'Low' on the stovetop.)
The material simmered for about 10 more minutes (so far, 30 total) with me mixing occasionally. Because we were using deep saucepan, the material started to sink to the bottom, which seemed like the perfect indicator it was basically 'all cooked up'. I didn't get a picture of the stuff after it all fell to the bottom but you can see here where it is starting to.
The straining process. We let the oil cool on the counter and vaped a bowl through the PD. We didn't want to accidentally burn ourselves and wanted to 'calm our nerves' for the arduous process of straining.
I picked up a little strainer from home and a garlic press. Simple process, we first poured the 'sludge' from the pan into the metal strainer, gently shook it, and scooped the remaining material into the garlic press, where we squeezed the fuck out of it. The oil coming out of the plant material was ultra-gold.
After we had strained and squeezed all the AVB. We ran the stuff once more through the mesh strainer to get out particles that fell through. Squeezed that stuff and made sure the oil was cool (it was a low lukewarm).
Because we used a larger amount of oil than the recipe called for, the mixture appeared a bit too 'gloopy' for my liking, so thinking with our heads.

We simply added in a bit of wheat flour and some Oats! It thickened right up and the smell was so tantalizing. We mixed it all up, and poured it into a giant pan, opting to make a giant cookie as oppose to 'balling up 30+ little cookies'.
It cooked for a little less than 40 minutes at 300 (peanut butter cookie recipe called for 9 @ 350f). We made sure it cooked all the way through so we wouldn't get an uncooked, doughy inside.
The enjoying process. Voila! We let her cool by the window sill and dug in. Tastes soooo fucking good, it's amazing. You wouldn't even know it's 'special'. It's almost 'pumpkin' tasting. The Oats + Peanutbutter + weed taste = heaven. I'm eating some more right now with some ice cream. It's not too rich, but it is a little bit gritty from very small AVB particles. The oats taste great and the wheat flour makes it taste more 'wholesome'.
I ate one piece (we cut it into 8ths) and was faded all night. Seriously medicated.

I literally felt
wasted for the longest time. My friend gobbled his entire piece in minutes. We took a certain psychedelic later that night and the combination of vaping, AVB brownies was
phenomenal. The body high is amazingly intense and makes me feel so 'dreamy'. I felt like I had a warm golden aura all night.
Well, hope you enjoyed! Goes to show that even well cooked AVB still packs a punch, at least in large amounts. It was well worth it, I had been saving that AVB for a long-ass time. Time to start on batch #2.