Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)


Well-Known Member
stonerwithaboner said:
which part of my story do you find incredible?
Actually, it makes more sense the more I think about it (especially in light of my recent experience). If I'd been in public, I might've ended up in the ER too. I just laid there for hours, immobile, trying desperately to distract myself with TV. That proved difficult since just about everything I saw gave me bad thoughts and feelings. I started trying to watch the Star Trek movie and immediately got freaked out by the Romulans. Not fun! Just the smell of those brownies still makes me feel a little ill. Be careful with these, people!


I just seem to believe that the leeching method adds potency because the simmering of the oil causes a strong smokey odor which has to be lost THC.
It's also, subjectively speaking, a cleaner more organic high - would anyone care to agree or disagree about this?
My friend equated it with LSD mixed with morphine.
It is definitely a psychedelic trip however you equate it...


vapor accessory addict
stoner, first let me welcome you to the forum. Sounds like you had a real white knuckle ride with your edibles. Horrible that it happened in public. I haven't had that kind of success with my edibles yet; they just haven't been that strong. But it sounds like this leaching method is the one to try. I will definitely be trying this method next for brownies.


Well-Known Member
jeffp said:
I just seem to believe that the leeching method adds potency because the simmering of the oil causes a strong smokey odor which has to be lost THC.
It's also, subjectively speaking, a cleaner more organic high - would anyone care to agree or disagree about this?
My friend equated it with LSD mixed with morphine.
It is definitely a psychedelic trip however you equate it...
I'm curious about this too. The only other success I've had with edibles is firecrackers, so I can't really compare. Your logic about the lack of odor suggesting less THC loss is compelling, but I don't have the science to back it up.


Well-Known Member
HiC said:
stonerwithaboner said:
which part of my story do you find incredible?
Actually, it makes more sense the more I think about it (especially in light of my recent experience). If I'd been in public, I might've ended up in the ER too. I just laid there for hours, immobile, trying desperately to distract myself with TV. That proved difficult since just about everything I saw gave me bad thoughts and feelings. I started trying to watch the Star Trek movie and immediately got freaked out by the Romulans. Not fun! Just the smell of those brownies still makes me feel a little ill. Be careful with these, people!
I had the intense negativity/self-loathing on this trip too. mostly of the "why am i not more productive/do my ideas suck?" variety. Oddly enough, it was the suffering of others in the ER that calmed me down and put things in perspective.


Lo said:
Edibles can produce that scary, white knuckle high and I ALWAYS suggest testing dosage strength at home.

Have you guys seen this...cop who stole pot, made brownies and then called 911 ??
Yeah, that's a classic. From our perspective it's hilarious but not so much to the rogue cop.
Some folks have a hard time going out of their minds plus with edibles there's the whole physical component; nausea and dizziness, a loss of
orientation and a fear that it's not going to end for a very long time, which is true.

But sometimes a simple thing like a cup of coffee can provide that little bit of anchorage and help someone out who's having a hard time.


cannabis aromatherapist
stonerwithaboner said:
jeffp said:
I just seem to believe that the leeching method adds potency because the simmering of the oil causes a strong smokey odor which has to be lost THC.
It's also, subjectively speaking, a cleaner more organic high - would anyone care to agree or disagree about this?
My friend equated it with LSD mixed with morphine.
It is definitely a psychedelic trip however you equate it...
I'm curious about this too. The only other success I've had with edibles is firecrackers, so I can't really compare. Your logic about the lack of odor suggesting less THC loss is compelling, but I don't have the science to back it up.
Not sure about the smoky odor during simmering meaning that the THC is being lost, my understanding is that the aromatic molecules that are released at lower temps are what produces the odor of pot, not the THC. Not sure if that applies here though, since we are adding oil to the mix. Maybe if it's heated too much?

However, heating the oil too hot will destroy the active components, no matter what the herb, and you will get a smoky odor from the physical burning of the plant material.
The goal with the heat (at least in general herbalism) is just to give a nudge to the stuff you want to extract, not to make anything really crispy - that's just deep fried pot leaf.
I would say if you had a stove precise enough or a double boiler with a thermometer you could keep it just at the right temp (not that I know what that is) for just the right time (or that either) to achieve full extraction in a short time. The old fashioned herbalist in me is still saying that the time extraction will beat the heat extraction potency wise.

I'm going to set aside some abv and 'fresh' for this in the near future. I am really curious as to the differences between a heat herb infused oil and a 'leaching method' infused oil in an application such as brownies.

Man, I wish i had more to experiment on! I want some killer brownies for a camping trip in October, so looks like i need to get crackin'.


Well-Known Member
I finally got to make my brownies. I used the leeching method---1/2 cup of medical ABV (moderately vaped, greenish brown) + a nice sized fresh bud in 1/2 cup cannola oil. It sat for 11 days (shook up 3-4 times/day). I did strain out some of the ABV.

I ate one piece of brownie on an empty stomach, about two hours later, I started to feel a little something, but the only thing that happened was I got cold (it was 90 outside) and had tremors (body was shaking a bit) for an hour. Never felt high at all.

I have tried edibles before---twice tried firecrackers made with nutella---never felt anything. I tried a tincture once with no effects at all.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong (followed all the recipes very closely), or if that's just the way my body reacts with edibles?
hi buck may hav been food allergy heard that canola is genetic frankenfed food in seeds of deception book may b try organic olive oil combined w/hi proof alcohol like everclear & pinch sea salt dash of organic apple cider vinegar may help extract if u hav hi tolerance double doze/add mor :p


Well-Known Member
Hmm . . . I don't have any food allergies that I know of. Anyone else have difficulty gaining effects through edibles? I followed all the directions when making the brownies, with the exception that I used the leeching method for 11 days instead of 4, and I did strain out about half the ABV. Perhaps I should have eaten more than one piece? The experience I had, while pretty mild, was not very pleasant.

Maybe edibles just aren't for me, I don't know. I did pick up a nice big cookie yesterday from a local care provider, so I think I'll give it one more shot . . .


buck, did you grind the material to a powdered state? eleven days versus four can't be the issue. if the cookie sends you to the stratosphere then something went kablooey with your preparation which we'll need to address; if not - if you don't feel anything, then i don't know - maybe you're already an enlightened yogi.


Well-Known Member
jeffp said:
buck, did you grind the material to a powdered state? eleven days versus four can't be the issue. if the cookie sends you to the stratosphere then something went kablooey with your preparation which we'll need to address; if not - if you don't feel anything, then i don't know - maybe you're already an enlightened yogi.
Yes, I ground up the ABV (along with one big fresh bud) to a pretty good powder. I'm certainly not an enlightened yogi :). And I did feel something---I got chilly (had to put a blanket on when it was 90 degrees), and had body tremors for about an hour. This has actually happened to me a couple times when I've vaped, except in addition to the mildly unpleasant feelings I always got high---with the brownies, no feeling of being high at all. Firecrackers and tincture has done nothing for me either. Hopefully the cookie will open the door for me, and I'll quit trying to make the stuff myself, and leave it to the experts! Thank you all for your help with the recipes . . .


Well-Known Member
I've made ABV brownies twice since I got my Volcano and Launch Box. I made the first batch a couple of months ago using 13g ABV and a teaspoon or so of kief, plus some stem I had saved. I ground the ABV and stem to a fine powder in a coffee grinder. I mixed all of it with 50ml of butter (whatever the packaged brownies called for) and water in a slow coooker (crockpot) set on the low temperature setting for 12+ hours. Strained the mixture through cheesecloth into a plastic yogurt tub (the size of a small ice cream tub). Set it in the fridge for 5 hours to separate and solidify. Took it from the fridge, held it over the sink, and cut a hole in the bottom of the tub. The water flowed out, leaving the cake of Cannabutter to be removed cleanly and easily. I baked a batch of 12 brownies, separated into the 12 cups in a muffin baking tray, instead of in a square pan/dish where you'd have to cut the brownies into servings. This method worked very well. 1 brownie from this batch was enough to get me well done for 5-7 hours. 2 brownies kept me stoned for a full day.

I just made another batch of butter last week. I used 18g ABV, 6.5g kief, and all the stem I had saved. I did the same process as before, but I used 150ml of butter, so that I would then have enough butter to make 3 separate batches of brownies (the 6.5g of kief made this possible). First batch of brownies were great. Similar potency as the batch mentioned above. Unfortunately, I didn't read everything in this thread, so I didn't know how a brownie/butter overdose can affect someone. My friend (who gets stoned from just 1 - 3 puffs from a j) ate 1 brownie, and his girlfriend (who had never been stoned in her life - she couldn't get stoned from my Volcano) ate 1/2 a brownie, and went to a folk festival with me. They both became very paranoid and afraid, and he became slightly nauseated, so we all left the concert. They were really shaken by the overwhelming feeling of fear. They are both thin, with little body fat, and little to no tolerance for weed. Their stomachs weren't very full, either.

I gave a brownie each to my brother and his girlfriend, as well. They ate them on a different day, separate from me and my paranoid friends. My brother smoked pretty frequently for years, but stopped almost completely a couple of years ago because it started making him too paranoid. His girlfriend is a pretty frequent smoker, though. I gave them a Launch Box a few weeks ago, and they love it. My brother doesn't get paranoid from it. So, I gave them a brownie each. They started with half a brownie each at noon, and an hour or two later, ate the second half. My brother loved it. Highest he's been since he was a teenager (in his late 20s now). He was stoned all day, all night, and still a bit stoned when he woke up the next morning. He said that if you're gonna eat one of those brownies, you better have nothing to do that day.



Well-Known Member
I made my first batch of brownies a few weeks ago with 19g of ABV and they turned out awesome. I used a method for making butter that I found on another site, The only problem is I think I used to much butter and will probably use less next time. 1 brownie got me high for about 2 hours and was pretty mellow. My other roommates (who only smoke a few times a year) said they ate part of a brownie and were high for hours.

So for my first time making edibles I would say they were successful. Have started saving up my ABV again and looking forward to my next edibles. :)


Well-Known Member
Forgive me, i'm going to sound immature, but... :
I AM SO FUCKED. totally shit faced beyond the universe. This morning, I made the cannaoil recipe with a shit load, about 4 oz of AVB. Packed that in a 9X9 brownie batch. Ate one at starbucks. and all of a fucking sudden it crashes on me in 1 hour. completely faded. couldn't even buy a water from starbucks because i had a fat grin on my face. my God, i then for some dumbass reason decided to take another brownie... big mistake. Took me over the edge. A friend and I were sitting in a movie when the 2nd one peaked, and my god, the trailor and movie were too much to handle. I had to leave, and for the frist time i couldn't drive. i had to get my friend to take me home. the cannaoil brownies fucked me completely. it was probalby combined with the fact that i didn't get any sleep last night.

little update with the picture, wish i had taken a picture of the whole process:

Just to add though, I was on a light adderall binge. The day I had the brownies, I had 0 sleep the night before. Took a 5 mg Adderall, and drank some coffee. Then had two brownies and at first was feeling amazing. Then the second one kicked in, and from that point on I was the highest I had ever been in my life. I have eaten large dispensary edibles too, and they got me no where near as high. way more high than smoking blunts and hitting the supreme combined. when i got home, I ate some healthy food, and yaked half. knocked out like a baby. I thought I was gonna seriously die, for the first time ever, but now that I think about it that was stupid, because it was just light amphetamines and cannabis. how crazy.

about 4 oz used = 112 grams of AVB!
also used a double boiler for great success = boiling one small pot in one larger pot works great. basically I could take the larger pot and water to boiling, and the oil in the smaller pot still wasn't boiling! basically you could just leave it going, and add more water to the larger pot once it starts to boil off. babysat this thing for 2 hours and 15 min, the oil was completely black. basically used this recipe:

but with a double boiler and cheese cloth strain.


Well-Known Member
Geez sounds like a hell of a day!

Anyways, i made my third batch of vapor brownies last night. I wanna start by saying my first two batches were incredibly weak. I used about 14-20 g's of abv +greens and kief and they had no effect on me and my friends.

After coming back to this thread, I read some people tried just tossing the finely grounded ABV into the mix. So I decided to give that a try. I made a batch of 8 brownies with 9 g's of ABV, and they turned out killer! I gave a few away to friends to try and all of us have super high tolerances(im an all day vaporist and theyre all day smokers) and the brownies knocked all of us on our asses! im stoked how well they turned out! :D


I love making ABV brownies and I've sort of landed on the 4 day leeching methodology and since it takes quite a while to amass a collection of ABV for a batch, what I've done the last two times is make it like half ABV and I'll buy a bag of average weed for $50 specifically for quantity not quality - the more the merrier, shake is fine, seeds, whatever, plus I ask my smoking friends to save the roaches for me which I'll unravel and that's how I am able to produce more brownies without having to wait out longer periods collecting ABV.


Well-Known Member
I am a long time lurker around here and wanted to finally post. I had a situation come up at the beginning of the summer that had me living where i had to sneak my vape sessions, and deff. could not make edibles, so I ended up saving all my ABV. for the whole summer. I am now able to experment and have a lil over 120 grams. Tonight i tried the brownie recipe with 62 grams, and so far i licked the spoon and ate a little finger size end of the brownie, and wow. I am a long time heavy user, and wow a couple hours later and i am felling pretty good. I also expermented with 10 grams to make iso hash, not sure about that yet still scraping it up, and the way im feeling i may have to save that for another day. I also picked up some organic peanut butter and ghram crackers, so i can give the firecrackers a try also. My old vape broke so I bought a Extreme Q, so i plan to get alot better quality ABV now, it doesnt look so burnt or brown now. Thank you everyone for all the helpful info. I used to read the magic flight thread alot, then the extreme q , and now its between this thread and extreme thread


Well-Known Member
So I've been leaching for about 10 days so far. I got everything ready but realized I only had 1/3 cup of duff. So I've been using my oil jar as my abv jar and I just keep adding to it. In about 2 more grams, I'll let it sit for another 4 days and then make my brownies. I took a taste last night though. I got about a teaspoon and ate it on top of a peanut butter cracker. Tasted like ass but I had a mild little body high.


vapor junkie
Staff member
3 Minute microwave brownie recipe from the internets which calls for oil. Will it blend?



cannabis aromatherapist
haha will it blend. that thing will be my next blender.

these cake in a cup things are good for when you have some serious munchies and NEED chocolate, but i find that they end up dry and kinda rubbery from the microwave. Don't know if i'd want to cook with my herbals that way - i enjoy scratch baking, but whatever works for ya! a buzz is a buzz.

I almost have enough abv for a pan of brownies. i will be watercuring it, the baking with it. chewy chocolate abv brownies with fudge ganache topping mmmmmmmmmmmmm


my friend who lives in my building has at least 20 joint "roaches" (kind of a stoopid name but what do i know?) saved in a jar for me and everyday this increases. in a few weeks I'm sure there will be 60 roaches. when i'm ready for a batch i unravel the roaches to liberate the bud. this helps alot in expediting the 1/2 cup collection process - turn your friends onto your brownies and ask them to save either their roaches or ABV if they vape for the ongoing "brownie drive." we all have friends who prefer smoking and quite often they're not inclined to smoke a joint to the very end.
these friends can be recruited especially if they get tripped out on your behalf by a fudge delicacy.


vapor accessory addict
I've done this before, jeff, but didn't like the taste it gave the brownies. They sort of tasted burnt, and also had a very strong roach smell. That said, they were also my strongest batch.

Vapor Duff

Well-Known Member
I've used vtac's method twice. Once I used 17 grams, and the other time I used approximately 8. This was between 3 people, and we had fantastic results the first time (I passed out 3 hours after ingestion), and ho-hum results the second time. Also, my AVB is really dark brown when I'm ready to discard it. I'm frugal with my resources. :p
Vapor Duff,
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