Well-Known Member
Had to reread all of our posts to get the technique better.
Temps are now 10:00 - 11:00 on the; dial the real trick ,thanks STU,
is to wait 1 or 2 min as you preheat your load before pulling.
I also was pulling the stem out way too quick and often, trying not
to waste herb. Now I leave it in the whole time I'm vaping - 4 mins -
and only remove it when I'm finished. When I put it back in, I preheat
again and wait a minute or so before hitting. PATIENCE = SWEET CLOUDS
Hey folks,
No one has mentioned that this vape gives off very little smell and might
well be one of the more stealthy vapes around. COLLEGE KIDS TAKE NOTE !
I had multiple non-smoker family and friends ambush me in the middle of a
session. I had to place the wonder bowl out of sight and move the unit
into a corner ( I did not turn it off ). Later I asked some folks if they had
smelt anything when they came into the basement, and they hadn't .
I asked my wife, and she didn't know that I was vaping in the house.
The LB made more smell than this unit !
Temps are now 10:00 - 11:00 on the; dial the real trick ,thanks STU,
is to wait 1 or 2 min as you preheat your load before pulling.
I also was pulling the stem out way too quick and often, trying not
to waste herb. Now I leave it in the whole time I'm vaping - 4 mins -
and only remove it when I'm finished. When I put it back in, I preheat
again and wait a minute or so before hitting. PATIENCE = SWEET CLOUDS

Hey folks,
No one has mentioned that this vape gives off very little smell and might
well be one of the more stealthy vapes around. COLLEGE KIDS TAKE NOTE !
I had multiple non-smoker family and friends ambush me in the middle of a
session. I had to place the wonder bowl out of sight and move the unit
into a corner ( I did not turn it off ). Later I asked some folks if they had
smelt anything when they came into the basement, and they hadn't .
I asked my wife, and she didn't know that I was vaping in the house.
The LB made more smell than this unit !