Well-Known Member
Ok so fast extraction through a water pipe is what I am going for.. I want the flavor to be good but at the end of the day I really value fast extraction and large hits, I probably want the vap3 with the hydro tube stem. Anyone ever put a 14-18 adapter on there and use a VXL hydratube? I'm thinking the unit is probably a little light for that?I've compared them before. The Vap3 is a Vap2 on steroids. Bigger bowl, faster heat up and the session can run away from you if you are too casual. If you want long, flavorful sessions to relax with your herb, go with the 2. If you want stronger, more intense sessions that have a time limit, get the 3.
The vapolution series has intrigued me for a long time and right now I do most of my vaping at home so I'm thinking a good plug in would be a good purchase. I basically want something that isn't pure convection to use between my evo and supreme v3. It seems like to me that the vap2 or 3 could have similar effects to the supreme because of the mix of convection, conduction and radiant heat.
Thanks for the response man. Useful info as always. I have a vap3 in my cart at PIU.. we will see how long I can hold off on buying it lol

Thanks for the help again.
Stay vaped