I would actually have to disagree, the vapman is definitely designed for the sipper. The fact that you can visibly see all of the flavor disappear in wafts of vapor from the inlet tubes and airholes when you heat it up for whitewall suggests to me that this is not the ideal cloud-chasers vape. Nobody should be aiming to use a vape which wastes terps when used for cloud-chasing (ie: that flavor floating off in whispy tiny little first hints of vapor) and mutes the entourage effect.
I only say this because I would hate to give someone the wrong idea about the vapman, which whilst great, is definitely not everything for everyone! I personally do not think that cloud chasing is fruitful at all in the vapman unless you use concentrates and even then for me only hashes (ie: concentrates that would combust and taste nasty on a nail). I don't use my vapman and continue to use my Mighty for flowers because if I keep flowers for vaping, they must have been INCREDIBLE tasting and I wanna experience that taste!
I find it good for my 70% odd terp/cannabinoid bubble although the inlet tubes definitely need some easy cleaning solution (gotta think of a workaround for this)! Still, of all the vapes I have seen/used, the vapman works very well as a dedicated hash vape - this is primarily because this stuff I'm hitting in the vapman would completely gunk up the heater of any convection vape without using a fair bit of SS and even then will definitely gunk the bowl in a way which is very difficult to clean!
I am not going to continue using the vapman for shatter because my shatters are seriously show-stoppingly tasty and the majority of the taste is muted in the vapman. I have pens which are just as small/light which taste far better and retain the taste in every hit, and my d-nails are obviously way better flavor wise for this purpose (which to be fair, they were tailor made for!).
To me, who being a heavy medical user will put aside as much of my hard earned as it takes for the right vape and have no need to cheap out - the vapman stands out because it is the easiest torch solution I have used, is tiny and is the best portable option for hashes where a nail would be dreadful and a convection vape too messy.
With this being said, the Mighty hands down tastes much better than the vapman for this bubble and is easier to get big clouds with, without overdoing it and getting harsh nasty tastes. You just have to spend so long cleaning it to avoid making it disgustingly funky with gunk - and that heater will accumulate it anyway.
You know though, with the muted effects of anything terpy in the vapman for the cloud chaser, the vapman could really serve an extremely useful purpose of providing very fast, accessible epic whitewall on AVB oils/reclaim/decarbed oils which have little taste to miss out on anyway
I might look into setting some reclaim aside for extra clouds in this sucker!