@natural farmer You are by far not the first user coming up with the fear about copper and copper oxide. Here are the facts:
Copper is along with tin, the metal used for the longest time by mankind, we are talking about 10`000 years!! That makes even the redwoods looking small.
Copper is a very important and vital element for all plants and animals including humans.
Copper is and was always widly used in our daily lives. The best chef cooks actually cook in copper pans, swiss cheese is made in huge copper bowls, jewelry, electric wires, hot water tubes…..
Copper oxide can`t be inhaled, it simply does`t exist in gaseous forms! Therefore it is not possible, even if you try, to get any copper oxide out of the bowl from vapman!
To get toxicated from copper oxide you have to actually eat it, in fact you have to eat more than 0.04 grams daily! To get this amount of copper oxide you would have to get the bowl oxidized on purpose, scrape off the oxide and eat it. With one layer of oxide you would still be far away from 0.04 grams meaning you would have to do it several times a day!
After being used so intensively for over 10`000 years, have you ever thought about why it is so damn hard to find any cases of copper intoxications? I was searching for days through internet about this topic and could not really find any specific cases. Do you know anybody ever having a problem with copper, or do you know anybody who knows anybody having an issue with it. I don`t.
Yes, copper oxide is toxic (so are a lot of things) but there is definitely a hype about it which is way out of proportion to the actual risk.
I am actually using copper BECAUSE it is safe and been tested for such a long time. Do you think any of the new materials we are using these days (also on vaporizers) are safe after being used for only few years or months?
The copper bowl of vapman is coated with gold for aesthetic reason only, it prevents the discoloration of the surface and has absolutely nothing to do with safety. Between the gold layer and the copper, there is a very thin layer of zinc to prevent the gold from diffusing into the copper, this is why the bowl looks like steel when scraping or sanding off the gold layer. Also zinc is no problem, metals don`t have any emissions at these low temperatures.
Regarding the middle section: Only wood works, anything else gets hot or is toxic (plastic).
If you want to make sure not to inhale any toxic substances when vaporizing, you should avoid over heating by any means, over heating botanical substances results in the production of toxic by products similar when smoking. This also applies when cooking food, overheating is never a good thing. Vaporizing at lower temperatures is the healthiest way to vaporize, regardless what vaporizer you are using.
I got to go now, I will answer the other posts later on. Thank you.