Guys? Sweetest deal for a Vapman in Europe? Any discount codes available? I am going to get a basic for a friend and will try it out and then go for a classic most possibly if I like it. He is a smoker and I hope the Vapman will do the job for him as well.
I ve no idea on deals in Europe sorry.Give Natan an email direct at Vapman.they are great people and they may make it happen for You or maybe check vapman twitter for discounts.
My thoughts on the vapman for You....You're friend as a smoker, should enjoy it.the vapman simulates smoking in a way,is fun with company, or alone & provides some of the smokiest hits around.the real short airpath means vapor from the tiny load is tasty as too before diminishing slowly through conduction heat.
It's difficult to combust ,dark brown ABV is easily achievable without poof.
Very open draw in the vapman is nice too.its not super tough out of the case.Dont leave it lying on the sofa and sit on it, although I have,

luckily with no issues,everything is still tight as it should be.
It smells more than the lotus.
The vapman is extremely miserly,very efficient,similar to a log vape with a 5/16 ss nipple stem.
I strayed from the vapman many times these past 14 months, it was never far from me though during that time.I was just spending money on new vapes and testing working out what was what.wish I'd I reach for it every time for those special bake conduction hits it provides and with so little material too.i recommend the mica.