

Well-Known Member
First post hope this is in the right place. I bought a vapman and am having issues keeping the bowl clean. I bought a 2.0 and used a torch(got it a little too hot) and now am using the vapstation. Was wondering if anyone has any tips for restoring the bowl gold color?

Oh, you're in the right place alright! These guys have done the science and have demonstrated many impossible-looking restorations. Try searching this thread for "mustard," "magic eraser," & "sodium carbonate," and try "acetone" if your midsection is gunked up.

Best of luck!


Smells like popcorn
Thanks so much will do!
I sometimes have trouble finding the proper message so here's the instructions for the bicarbonate of soda cleaning from @Chicken No Name in case you have the same issues.

Yep. It's v easy.and v effective.

I mix up a small amount of bicarbonate soda with drops of water until I have a thick paste (I use an egg cup or shot glass).

Go easy on the water, it requires v little. If too much water simply add more bicarbonate until you have the desired paste.

Apply to gold bowl. I use a dab tool spoon end but whatever you have handy. Take care not to push any over the edge. You want to avoid getting the Micra/wood wet. Don't worry about the air holes. I've never blocked them and a fine piece of wire will clear them if required (or a good breath blow normally does it).

For a heavily soiled bowl I leave overnight. Or a few hours normally does the trick for lighter cleaning requirements.

Remove carefully. I hold it upside down over empty sink and let gravity help. It may have developed a crust making it easier to remove.

If any bicarb gets over the side of the bowl and sits between the bowl and main body I blow from the heating side and that removes anything.

A wooden tool may be required to remove any stubborn stains or simply repeat the process.

I finally give the bowl a wipe with a damp cotton bud, followed by a bud with iso (or equivalent) and the bowl should be shiny shiny.....

Hope that helps. Considering your extensive (and enviable) collection it may be best to order a lorry load of bicarb. Should last you a few weeks then :rofl:
I'm assuming the technique using mustard is the same deal but with a different cleaning medium.

One more thing I would recommend: Heat in gentle cycles (3 seconds on and 4 seconds off is what I do. Maximum of 2 cycles once you have your first preheat of 3-4 cycles.)

Getting your herb as dark and evenly roasted as possible also helps keep the wok clean since it vaporizes a larger portion of the resins avoiding anything staying stuck to the surface.

Hope this helps! Get that thing sparkling again!

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings everyone,

What a super day for Vapman...introducing the CLICK which is just spectacular. I had to order all of them because I just don't want anyone lonely. They are all beautiful...

Congratulations to INHALE...Michael and David you did an amazing launch with this wonderful new innovative version of Vapman....also, my sincere regards to Rene who started this whole madness.

This is a wonderful day for Vapman and I hope all of you enjoy your Click' will be so happy! CHEERS!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. What do you think this beauty is worth? It’s new. I’m thinking about trading it for an anvil usa or nice aftermarket dynavap setup or something similar to a collector who would appreciate it more than I would. I’m afraid if I keep it too long I’ll end up using it. Plus I don’t collect vapes. I just have daily drivers.

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