
'm also curious if anyone has tried to coat the bottom of the mid section with anything ( high temp silicone etc ) to protect the wood from charring.

Rene has with mica on the classics, a coat of BLO seems to of helped my basic significantly.

I generally preheat 3-4 secs wildly over the pan before getting started.

The vapmans been my #1 since I received it. The lily is his queen.
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Almost there...
Night 1 with the Vapman Mica.

WOW, this thing is SMALL!!!
And the craftsmanship is impeccable!!
Every detail is carefully thought out.
Minimalist but very impressive!! A true work of art!

First few uses were not very good and the taste was not there. Technique was not down at all!!
Few more tries yielded slightly better results.
I was heating for 4, wait 2 then heat for 4 and inhale.
Put it down and thought about everything i had read in the thread...

Parts drawer here we come!!
First a pipe screen molded and fitted to the bowl, more convection going on now!
Second was toothpicks, two of them to block the holes in the stem, only one open.

Load up again and heat for 4, wait 2 and heat for 4 again.
Look in stem and not too much going on yet...
First few bowls were better than stock but still not there yet.

Next was to heat for 5 initial seconds, wait 2 and heat 4 again.
Look in stem and see thick white vapor!!
Attach to WT and bot does it fill up nice and dense!!!
Still getting used to the taste as i am a flavor guy!

Extraction is very good for where i am at in about an hours use.
Some very small lighter green flecks but as a whole, a very even toasty brown.
I am getting about 4 to 5 decent hits out of the tiny load!

Vapman torch is awesome so far!
Ignites first click every time so far and the flame is perfect for the Vapman!

I can see this guy going everywhere with me!
So portable and effective.
Not discreet at all but i am sure there are many places if you look around a bit.
Uses very small amount of herb.
Easy to attach to a WT, the end fits perfectly into a 14mm.

And once again, this vape is TINY!!
Very impressed after one night!

EDIT: Last bowl was perfectly brown!
Way better results now!!!
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Well-Known Member
@lazylathe Great to read that you already got the hang of Vapman. Saying that you are a flavor guy, I recommend to take the first draw already after the first few seconds of heating, at this point you get all the delicate flavors which are gone at higher temperatures. The gold coated herb chamber, the very short vapor path together with the individual heating technique, makes VM an ideal tool for flavor chasers.
Well possible, that you will remove the toothpicks again?

Keep also in mind, that the flame size is equal important as the duration of heating, with a large flame, 4 seconds can already be too much. You will find you personal signature with VM, it is a very personal vaporizer.

VM seems not to be discrete at all but you would be surprised how easy it is to hide VM in a surrounding with a certain noise level. I regularly use my VM in trains, buses, parks, beaches, (church only when the churchgoers are singing:lol:)!

Change of topic. I am still dazzled about the impact and effect of the SS washer, it is not really a washer anymore, washers are rather flat, is that correct?
Anyway, I made a new ring with steeper angles making it even smaller and lighter, it weighs only 0.17gr. and is therefore not absorbing much energy. Here it is:


After 5 bowls of herbs, there are still no traces of discoloring on the wood. I am leaning out of the window now but I think this tiny ring is a game changer, charred middle section is the past!


I will keep you posted on this one, I really wonder how the wood will look after 100 bowls?

I wish you all a good day!:)



Well-Known Member
I've read some of this thread now.

Concerned a little about the wood taste, people needing to do dry burns when they first get it, and some charring that gets reported.

Lotus doesn't seem to have any of those problems and it also has the stem to cool down the vapor.


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
I've read some of this thread now.

Concerned a little about the wood taste, people needing to do dry burns when they first get it, and some charring that gets reported.

Lotus doesn't seem to have any of those problems and it also has the stem to cool down the vapor.
My VM mica needed zero break in time, my first Lotus however needed a few burn ins to get rid of the Linseed smell. Haven't had a problem with my latest Lotus though. They are both awesome vapes!


Well-Known Member
Change of topic. I am still dazzled about the impact and effect of the SS washer, it is not really a washer anymore, washers are rather flat, is that correct?

Nope. Only flat washers are flat washers. Other styles exist, bevel and Belvore come to mind, I think 'washer' is fine. As would be 'gasket'? Or even 'heat shield'.

I wonder how this might work with a ring instead? A single loop of fine SS wire or even a small 'split ring' as used for keyrings? Perhaps a fine enough cord in such a 'metal o-ring' could eliminate the need to sand the end of the middle section back? That is it could rest on the tapered part of the middle section being slightly smaller in OD than the filter is in ID? Even a short section of (close wound) spring perhaps, it doesn't have to contribute to the sealing, only space the filter off the wood?



Well-Known Member
I wonder how this might work with a ring instead? A single loop of fine SS wire or even a small 'split ring' as used for keyrings? Perhaps a fine enough cord in such a 'metal o-ring' could eliminate the need to sand the end of the middle section back? That is it could rest on the tapered part of the middle section being slightly smaller in OD than the filter is in ID? Even a short section of (close wound) spring perhaps, it doesn't have to contribute to the sealing, only space the filter off the wood?OF

@OF I was contemplating about a wire ring, too, just don't know how well it would seal at the joint and how much it matters. I will definitely ask for a quote for SS wire rings, it is less expensive than turning a washer. In fact it is quite easy to make wire rings on a lathe but I like the precision of the washer, it really seals well, even better than without the washer. The wire ring is definitely a good DIY option.



Well-Known Member
Concerned a little about the wood taste, people needing to do dry burns when they first get it, and some charring that gets reported.

Lotus doesn't seem to have any of those problems and it also has the stem to cool down the vapor.

I wouldn't go so far to call it a problem, but a "initial training" or an initial phase of acclimatization, like with new shoes. ;-)

After a few uses, you don't smell the wood anymore and, to think about, it's only a little bit natural wood and not plastic or what else like in other vap-devices.

The air is for the most of the users cool enough, but in case of hyper sensible breathing organs, the VM fits also to a 14mm-glassbong, like f.i. an inexpensive honey comb bong:

VM seems not to be discrete at all but you would be surprised how easy it is to hide VM in a surrounding with a certain noise level. I regularly use my VM in trains, buses, parks, beaches, (church only when the churchgoers are singing:lol:)!
True story!
(But if I should go to the church, I need a real good vape before. :D)

To future Vapman-users:

The biggest plus is, that with the VM it's very easy to make little or even no clouds, so nobody will see it.
And don't worry, the effect is nearly the same and you look after your health at the same time. ;-)

Who like more clouds, has to go around the corner and heat a bit more. :tup:
The best technique on vid I saw here from @WakeAndVape :

And here the same vaper-professional with the bong:

@WakeAndVape, you truly got the hang of it! :clap:
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Well-Known Member
I've read some of this thread now.

Concerned a little about the wood taste, people needing to do dry burns when they first get it, and some charring that gets reported.

Lotus doesn't seem to have any of those problems and it also has the stem to cool down the vapor.

Lotus seems like a great vape. I've done research on both vapes and ultimately chose the Vapman over the Lotus because of it's size, it's durability, the fact that it's heat first and inhale second, and the ability to hide it in your hand completely when taking a draw. There are many upsides to the Lotus. I've never tried one, only commenting on what I've read. One of the downsides of the Lotus is that you can "break" the cap by overheating. Basically part of the wood get's charred in such a way that it interferes with the function. You can read about it on the Lotus thread. I haven't read of anyone breaking a Vapman through overheating. It seems easier to control and know the limits. If you search "Lotus vs Vapman fuck combustion" on Google and search "Lotus" in this thread and "Vapman" in the Lotus thread you will find all the comparison comments.


Well-Known Member
@OF I was contemplating about a wire ring, too, just don't know how well it would seal at the joint and how much it matters.

I too am not sure an absolute seal is important. FWIW I don't think the current seal is all that solid, even less so after it 'wears in' some. The important part is probably the OD of the center section against the ID of the filter?

And condensate rapidly caulks up the leaks anyway?

It should be easy to test, wind some SS wire around a slightly oversize mandril (wood dowel?) then cut say a 350 degree segment out of it with square ends (shear it with a bypass cutter like scissors rather than nippers like wire cutters). Done right, it should 'spring back' to hug the lip of the filter with the ends 'just meeting'?

Or, perhaps better still, use two rings stacked and offset the gaps? That would allow for very small diameter wire, and 3 'heat transfers'.......

Fun idea.



Well-Known Member
What about that aspect appealed to you, potential discreetness?

Yeah, the discreetness is a plus. I don't really use it in public though, but I did have that in mind. I've used it in a car discreetly. You can't do that with a Lotus in public. It looks like you might be smoking a crack pipe. In my case the aspect that I've benefited most from is the fact that it's just easier/a more relaxing experience to split those steps up. When heating you are just focusing on that. Versus having to focus on both heating technique and breath technique at the same time. This is all my opinion of course. Many people have reported that Lotus technique becomes second nature to them and is not viewed as a negative. Another reason I chose Vapman was because I was told that if you want to use it without a bubbler - the Vapman is the better choice over the Lotus. I did find that I wanted to cool the vapor and so I use the Vapman with a string of 3 mflb stems attached together with pieces of mflb whip silicone. It cools the vapor quite a bit, keeps my kit compact, and easier to clean than a bubbler.
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Well-Known Member
What about that aspect appealed to you, potential discreetness?

I too am not concerned with being discrete here, but I like the heat then hit aspect since I can focus on the heating then enjoy the hit without having to deal with fire.

I think it has a big advantage is with those who fear Butane. I'm not with them, but for them the idea that you can run the Butane over there, shut it off, then hit it over here where the evil Butane fumes aren't is a strong argument in favor of the little guy?



Well-Known Member
I can understand where you guys are coming from.
I'm used to combustion so the dual action of breathing and flame seems natural.

When I say bubbler I picture something like this. If I hooked it up to the VM somehow could I light the vapman upside down and inhale while lighting simultaneously?



Well-Known Member
I can understand where you guys are coming from.
I'm used to combustion so the dual action of breathing and flame seems natural.

When I say bubbler I picture something like this. If I hooked it up to the VM somehow could I light the vapman upside down and inhale while lighting simultaneously?


You absolutely can, I find that it works quite well.


Well-Known Member
I can understand where you guys are coming from.
I'm used to combustion so the dual action of breathing and flame seems natural.

When I say bubbler I picture something like this. If I hooked it up to the VM somehow could I light the vapman upside down and inhale while lighting simultaneously?

You can do that, but the skill sets between that and blazing don't match much at all. You really do need to control the heat (flame size, time, rhythm) not pour it on and suck like mad like in blazing where you want the temperature to get as hot as possible basically.

Vapes like Lotus, Hammer and VG where you heat and hit together are much more prone to combustion I believe. But in any event they demand attention to the fire part. Close attention in many cases.

Bubblers, as we talk about them, generally have 14 or 18mm Glass on Glass fittings (GonG), not the sort of piece like the photo intended for herb loads. There's a 'cheap glass thread' you might want to check out, many of us get outs from DHGate.

You can use the VM on your bubbler like that, some guys do (after they get good at using the VM) but I think most of us heat for the hit in the normal way, plop the VM on the waiting 14mm fitting, take the hit then pull the VM to clear the piece and heat for the next hit. It's pretty natural IMO. Try it and see for yourself?

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