Sorry to hear about your unit, but it sounds like you've had the thing for awhile before it started to act up, yeah?
Honestly... I kinda wish my unit ran hot enough to get it black

Even at the max temp of 400F, I can only get it to a rich brown; not even dark brown.
At 400F, I get extremely medicated, but I sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on getting some more sedative and euphoric cannabinoids at the ~428F range.
Then again at the magnitude of medication I feel at 400F, I think the NO2 suits all my needs.
I considered the Pax too against the NO2. I guess I was just turned off by the 3-Temperature system.
Low - 370F
Med - 390F
High - 410F
I mean if I'm going for a more of a cerebral effect, THC goes around 315F and the body effects go around 320-356F for CBDs and 365 for CBNs.
Coming from this thread <>, the Pax would get you the same set of cannabinoids no matter what you set it to.
I'm not trying to rag on the Pax or anything. I'm sure it's a wonderful unit. I'm just sharing my decision process when debating the Pax and NO2.