I posted on another thread last night, I've seen that people use SB, and I would recommend the convection route for hash for big tasty thick rips. Conduction or hybrid for fuller extraction or riding the line harder. If you wanna run it on convection vapes, just make sure that you pop that Moroccan Soufflé like
@PPN mentioned above. I toss a small ball, have it warm up and bubble, then pop it and stir for huge rips on my convection devices. If it's really melty, toss a ball into a banger, don't be afraid, it won't chazz if you cold start/measure temps. There'll be some residue to scrape off if it's not full melt, but it's a very satisfying experience.
@Vapordeflor mentioned dynas, but someone on the other thread said the vaponic, and I believe with a screen it's a way better device for moroccan hash than dynavap.