As a fellow "man of a certain age" I'm curious
@Zangano Cruel where you read this?
I did find
this link from the ADA, but it's mostly related to smoking cannabis. Elsewhere, most info on vaping is predictably about nicotine.
Those rubber gum stimulators are known to work wonders on receding gum issues. And drinking water certainly before/after makes sense. Anything else we can do?
Any dental/medical professionals or experienced patients care to weigh in?
Very interesting link. Thanks. Much appreciated.
I’d like to read and listen more from people working on the matter as well.
The little info I read and got, isn’t enough.
I read about it a long time ago at this same forum. I’ve been a lurker since 2010, and a permanent FC member since 2012.
You know how many things get posted at this forum, and how many are opinions and else.
I had a dentist, do a fast check up at my oral health around 2 years ago, it was more like a general let’s see how bad are you doing since you never visit a dentist thing, and I don’t have health insurance.
After he fast checked for like a couple minutes, he told me as usual, floss more often, you have some small cavities that’ll need treatment in the future, and he asked me if I was a smoker?
I told him I smoked and vaped, but not what I smoked and vaped. I don’t really smoke, but I can’t tell the doctor I smoke/vape weed.
He told me he saw some smoking symptoms, in medical words I can’t remember now, but one of the most common are related to gums and their decay.
Besides a good oral hygiene, and rinsing/gargling with water, before/after a vapor hit, I’d recommend using a pipe, or any extension possible to cool off vapors.
Whips, dropdowns, extra stems etc etc
Everything helps!!!
And if using a glass pipe, I’ll try using water. Your lungs
and mouth will thank you during your retirement.
I use my common sense on the “dry vs wet glass pipegate” percolation.
I’ve used dry pipes with every vape I own, and after a few hours of vaping, I’ll start feeling uncomfortable.
Next day I’ll have a tight chest, some wheezing and some shortness of breath.
I vape my herbs to dark chocolate roasted ABV.
I’m always on the high end temperatures spectrum.
Using water on the glass pipes, will prevent almost all the negatives mentioned above and again, using common sense, I’d imagine it’ll help oral hygiene and prevent bigger gum diseases.
Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!