max said:
The consensus, from those few who have used the Cloud, VHW, and LSV, is that the Cloud is easily superior in the importatnt aspects. The fact that stonemonkey is very familiar with the VHW and other similar vapes, and would not have brought the Cloud to market unless he felt sure it was the best of its type, should be very much considered when deciding on a model to buy. The downside right now, and for the near future, is that many Cloud preorders have to be filled first. But then if it wasn't a great vape, there wouldn't be much of a backlog on orders.
Hey max, I was hoping that maybe you could clarify this statement a little bit. What are you thinking about exactly when you say that the Cloud is "easily superior" in the important aspects? That seems like a pretty broad statement to make (especially for someone of your disposition) and I would feel better swallowing that statement as "the truth" (without comparing the Cloud to those other units myself) IF there was a little more clarity behind the claim. The way I see it, at the moment the Cloud seems to have a few big advantages over the other vapes you listed:
- works directly on GonG joints, no adapters or special pieces needed
- slightly faster heat up time
- better heat retention/the ability to hit "any way you choose"
- more robust and durable components, particularly the outer housing which covers the glass
However it should share some other important features with the vapes you listed:
- all glass airway for top quality taste and safety
- variable temperature, but designed to inhibit combustion (I know this is true of the VXC and VHW--unsure about LSV)
- capable of providing small conservative tokes or huge, lung busting rips
- intended to be used by one person at a time and in conjunction with a water pipe
I'm sorry if this comes off as a little bit whiny (trust me, I want my Cloud pre-order as much as anyone!) but I am of the mind that to say that this vape is easily superior in the important aspects...well...that just hasn't been proven yet. IMO it is a huge improvement in the convenience of the delivery mechanism, but all that comes down to is routine. As you are no doubt well aware different routines work for different people. For myself the most important factors are the taste, efficiency, safety of the unit and the durability. Durability seems to be the only thing that the VXC has over the VHW given those criterion.
Now please max, and the rest of you fine contributors, enlighten me as to why my arguments are in error or misguided and I will gladly admit that the VXC must surely be the best vape evar

Blargh. I proselytize for the sake of thoroughness and equality but if we're being honest I think I'd probably trade a kidney for the Cloud right now.