Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

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Out to lunch
oldiebutgoodie said:
Stonefree_OU812 said:
What a great forum!

I've basically narrowed down my vape choices to VapeXhale Cloud, Vaporaztion Heat Wand 3.0 or Life Saber Vaporizer. Bongs I like are the Ehle 1000 ml w/ice notches & diffuser or VripMaster High Performance Vaporization Water Tool Pro Model + the ones in the Cloud.

You betcha, IMO this is the forum of vape-masters.

Did you happen to notice that the Vriptech thread was started by StoneMonkey? He is the master behind the design of the Cloud - which should tell you something. Personally, I would wait for the Cloud.
Good point. The consensus, from those few who have used the Cloud, VHW, and LSV, is that the Cloud is easily superior in the importatnt aspects. The fact that stonemonkey is very familiar with the VHW and other similar vapes, and would not have brought the Cloud to market unless he felt sure it was the best of its type, should be very much considered when deciding on a model to buy. The downside right now, and for the near future, is that many Cloud preorders have to be filled first. But then if it wasn't a great vape, there wouldn't be much of a backlog on orders.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Just pre-ordered one! Can't wait. I imagine it will be a while for me, but I'll play with my viVape in the meantime. And while i just bought the viVape, this Cloud seems too incredible.

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
Max, ure posting even more than normal today...its like ure waiting for an email or something! :brow: Haha or maybe its just me. Every time my phone alerts me of an email I lose my shit that it might be the one, even though I'm prolly gunna have to wait a few days after the initial people get theirs unless they are gunna be able to send 50ish in the first week. Even though I've waited 2 years for this, I have a feeling these next few days/week are gunna be extra tough
Mr. Smoke No More,


War Criminal
Agreed Mr. smoke, I cant believe after two years we're almost there. This thread is about to be flooded with cloud pron!

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
max said:
The consensus, from those few who have used the Cloud, VHW, and LSV, is that the Cloud is easily superior in the importatnt aspects. The fact that stonemonkey is very familiar with the VHW and other similar vapes, and would not have brought the Cloud to market unless he felt sure it was the best of its type, should be very much considered when deciding on a model to buy. The downside right now, and for the near future, is that many Cloud preorders have to be filled first. But then if it wasn't a great vape, there wouldn't be much of a backlog on orders.

Hey max, I was hoping that maybe you could clarify this statement a little bit. What are you thinking about exactly when you say that the Cloud is "easily superior" in the important aspects? That seems like a pretty broad statement to make (especially for someone of your disposition) and I would feel better swallowing that statement as "the truth" (without comparing the Cloud to those other units myself) IF there was a little more clarity behind the claim. The way I see it, at the moment the Cloud seems to have a few big advantages over the other vapes you listed:

- works directly on GonG joints, no adapters or special pieces needed
- slightly faster heat up time
- better heat retention/the ability to hit "any way you choose"
- more robust and durable components, particularly the outer housing which covers the glass

However it should share some other important features with the vapes you listed:

- all glass airway for top quality taste and safety
- variable temperature, but designed to inhibit combustion (I know this is true of the VXC and VHW--unsure about LSV)
- capable of providing small conservative tokes or huge, lung busting rips
- intended to be used by one person at a time and in conjunction with a water pipe

I'm sorry if this comes off as a little bit whiny (trust me, I want my Cloud pre-order as much as anyone!) but I am of the mind that to say that this vape is easily superior in the important aspects...well...that just hasn't been proven yet. IMO it is a huge improvement in the convenience of the delivery mechanism, but all that comes down to is routine. As you are no doubt well aware different routines work for different people. For myself the most important factors are the taste, efficiency, safety of the unit and the durability. Durability seems to be the only thing that the VXC has over the VHW given those criterion.

Now please max, and the rest of you fine contributors, enlighten me as to why my arguments are in error or misguided and I will gladly admit that the VXC must surely be the best vape evar :lol: Blargh. I proselytize for the sake of thoroughness and equality but if we're being honest I think I'd probably trade a kidney for the Cloud right now.
partially veiled,


Well-Known Member
for me, (at least on paper) its the heat retention feature all the way...it's like the flux capacitor in that it's the key to time travel...or effortless vaping via glass tubeage


Vapor concierge
partially veiled...
I just read this and the funny thing is about an hour ago I finished a great session with the Cloud. A killer session that had me hitting two ELB's (one about 2/3 full and another about 1/3 full) and as I was hitting the first one I thought 'this is by far the best vapor I've ver had." By the time I was done I was trying to figure out how I can use it more instead of the other vapes that are better for my current needs. So, from a cloud user, I agree with max with respect to all the vapes I have tried, none of which are ones he mentioned.


Earlier someone was noting the 12 hits I get from an ELB. I want to clarify. My hit count has more to do with routine than testing options to perfection, although the two are related. I landed on 12 hits based on this. The first four hits are always thick and tasty, so that's where I crank up the temp to 1:30 and do another four hits. I then take it up to 3 and take another four hits. Most of you will probably skip either the first or second temp. I hit this vape longer than any other vape because, as I stated somewhere deep in this thread, it still feels good and never tastes bad. I usually don't see any exhale on the last two or three hits, but I definitelly feel them! BTW, this is based on an ELB 2/3 full.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
and for me, it's the greater extraction efficiency at lower temps for a smoother, more comfortable but still full and thick hit . . .

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Thanks for the input stickstones, and I really do not doubt that this thing provides super clean, ridiculously tasty vapors and rocks your bloody socks off! I'm glad you're putting it to good use :ko:

mistergyro said:
for me, at least on paper is the heat retention feature all the way...

And for myself it is the durabilty all the way. I have never had a heat retention issue with the VHW and I hit it pretty damned hard. Yet I've broken two heater covers since they've been released (waiting on my third now).

I wasn't trying to imply that the VXC isn't making improvements...I completely agree with max when he says "The fact that stonemonkey is very familiar with the VHW and other similar vapes, and would not have brought the Cloud to market unless he felt sure it was the best of its type..." I just agree with that period. From the small amounts I've learned about sm55 over the years I feel it's accurate and fair to say that he is a) seriously dedicated to what he's doing and b) a self proclaimed health-concious vapor connoisseur. So yes, this product most likely would not be being released unless it was making improvements on what sm55 personally considered the "best vapor experience possible." MY contention is with the choice of words and emphasis, as I feel like max holds alot of swagger around here and saying it's "easily superior in the important aspects" might be a little misleading to someone who is new to these forums. I'm not trying to pick on max either he just provided me with highly quotable fodder, but this is the general attitude I see on this thread and to me it's just not entirely fair at this point...it's just an advert unless there are facts to back it up :2c: I know we've got some great contributors who have tried all of the vapes mentioned but I'm just not seeing any convincing argumentation from them in this thread that this vaporizer really levels ALL competitors in ALL ways.

oldiebutgoodie said:
and for me, it's the greater extraction efficiency at lower temps for a smoother, more comfortable but still full and thick hit . . .

Yes but have you tried a VHW or a LSV (or a Herbo or a Verdamper for that matter)? I'm interested in those qualities too, but I don't think it's fair to compare the VXC to the EQ or SSV for instance...and does the VXC actually offer better extraction efficiency at lower temps? Really? You mean just because you don't need to stir it basically or what? Because again...I don't see how the VXC is "more efficient" than the VHW (which is what I have the most experience with) but maybe I'm missing something.


Edit: Edited for grammar.
partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
:wave: pv

Having used the three vapes in question I'd agree with max's sentiment. In my opinion the Cloud simply provides the more enjoyable experience.

You've got the unit itself with its GonG connection and a spillproof bowl. That's it. While personally I don't think it's a huge deal to use additional connectors as required with the other two, given the choice I'd go with the more direct approach, performance being equal. But performance is not equal, the Cloud produces more vapor, denser vapor and is able to do so at lower temperatures with less effort. Honestly it's almost impossible to get a bad hit from the Cloud. It has a digital (forgive me for not knowing the specifics) heater control far more advanced than the VHW or LSV, which uses basically a dimmer switch. The Cloud's glass heat-sink/heat-path is better at retaining heat and evenly heating air than the VHW or LSV, though it should be said that the VHW has an edge over the LSV's simple ceramic stick heater design. The Cloud also cooks herb more evenly than the other two with no stirring; always evenly browned throughout with no dark spots, where the other 2 require stirring and still leave a dark spot between hits.

Surely I missed some things but those are some of the points where I feel the Cloud really shines, particularly when compared to similar units such as the VHW or LSV.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
partially veiled said:
Yes but have you tried a VHW or a LSV (or a Herbo or a Verdamper for that matter)? I'm interested in those qualities too, but I don't think it's fair to compare the VXC to the EQ or SSV for instance...and does the VXC actually offer better extraction efficiency at lower temps? Really? You mean just because you don't need to stir it basically or what? Because again...I don't see how the VXC is "more efficient" than the VHW (which is what I have the most experience with) but maybe I'm missing something.

Fair questions. I'll readily acknowledge that my comment was not based on my personal observation. It's based on feedback from stonemonkey and test users. My understanding is that this is due to turbulence in the air path which increases efficiency, and slightly lowering air pressure in the ELB which allows for a lower temp with similar vapor results.

I also confess that I take the word of vtac, stickstones, and max.

Of course, the proof will be in the pudding. Few of us have direct experience to go on. That is, not yet. :D

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Perfect! Thank you vtac :) I've read this thread all the way through (admittedly much of it while I was :ko: so, you know, I might have missed something) and I really don't remember seeing it said that the Cloud produces more, better quality vapor at lower temps. Forgive me if I missed it in the thread but I wasn't reading this beast all over again and there doesn't seem to be a way to search within the thread itself (or any thread for that matter). That really is golden information you've just given us!!!

I am not picky about the ritual of using something like the VHW (the extra gear needed, the "practiced" inhalations, the stirring)...in fact over time that ritual has become part of the experience I enjoy. However that is only true if the end product--the vapor produced--is of the same quality. I was under the impression that the Cloud was making huge improvements over other all-glass vapes almost everywhere except in the departments of efficiency, taste and safety. Which to me are really the most important things, in the end. I knew that I was going to buy a VXC (and as I've mentioned I'm on the wait-list) but I really felt that not everyone in my situation might need or want one. I assumed that many users of the LSV or VHW would be content if they knew the vapor provided by the VXC was of the same quality and it was only the ritual that was really different. This does not seem to be the case, so, as I was assuming I would be doing eventually, I stand corrected :D If you're on the East Coast with that pre-production VXC any time soon feel free to correct me further :lol:

oldiebutgoodie said:
I'll readily acknowledge that my comment was not based on my personal observation. It's based on feedback from stonemonkey and test users. My understanding is that this is due to turbulence in the air path which increases efficiency, and slightly lowering air pressure in the ELB which allows for a lower temp with similar vapor results.

Hrm. I really wish I could search within a particular thread. That post has piqued my interest obg; I would like to learn more about the supposed increased efficiency at lower temps. That is DEFINITELY something I'm interested in! I also trust the likes of vtac, stickstones and max but I expect them to be able to explain their opinions. Which they are able to do...which is why I ask for an explanation :lol:
partially veiled,


Well-Known Member
partially veiled said:
Perfect! Thank you vtac :) I've read this thread all the way through (admittedly much of it while I was :ko: so, you know, I might have missed something) and I really don't remember seeing it said that the Cloud produces more, better quality vapor at lower temps. Forgive me if I missed it in the thread but I wasn't reading this beast all over again and there doesn't seem to be a way to search within the thread itself (or any thread for that matter). That really is golden information you've just given us!!!

I am not picky about the ritual of using something like the VHW (the extra gear needed, the "practiced" inhalations, the stirring)...in fact over time that ritual has become part of the experience I enjoy. However that is only true if the end product--the vapor produced--is of the same quality. I was under the impression that the Cloud was making huge improvements over other all-glass vapes almost everywhere except in the departments of efficiency, taste and safety. Which to me are really the most important things, in the end. I knew that I was going to buy a VXC (and as I've mentioned I'm on the wait-list) but I really felt that not everyone in my situation might need or want one. I assumed that many users of the LSV or VHW would be content if they knew the vapor provided by the VXC was of the same quality and it was only the ritual that was really different. This does not seem to be the case, so, as I was assuming I would be doing eventually, I stand corrected :D If you're on the East Coast with that pre-production VXC any time soon feel free to correct me further :lol:

oldiebutgoodie said:
I'll readily acknowledge that my comment was not based on my personal observation. It's based on feedback from stonemonkey and test users. My understanding is that this is due to turbulence in the air path which increases efficiency, and slightly lowering air pressure in the ELB which allows for a lower temp with similar vapor results.

Hrm. I really wish I could search within a particular thread. That post has piqued my interest obg; I would like to learn more about the supposed increased efficiency at lower temps. That is DEFINITELY something I'm interested in! I also trust the likes of vtac, stickstones and max but I expect them to be able to explain their opinions. Which they are able to do...which is why I ask for an explanation :lol:

The cloud has great efficiency at lower temperatures due to the turbulence create by the design of the air path, since the air moves thoroughly through the ez-bowl, it creates more vapor at lower temps then more traditional vapor paths.


Darth Vapor
partially veiled said:
max said:
The consensus, from those few who have used the Cloud, VHW, and LSV, is that the Cloud is easily superior in the importatnt aspects. The fact that stonemonkey is very familiar with the VHW and other similar vapes, and would not have brought the Cloud to market unless he felt sure it was the best of its type, should be very much considered when deciding on a model to buy. The downside right now, and for the near future, is that many Cloud preorders have to be filled first. But then if it wasn't a great vape, there wouldn't be much of a backlog on orders.

Hey max, I was hoping that maybe you could clarify this statement a little bit. What are you thinking about exactly when you say that the Cloud is "easily superior" in the important aspects? That seems like a pretty broad statement to make (especially for someone of your disposition) and I would feel better swallowing that statement as "the truth" (without comparing the Cloud to those other units myself) IF there was a little more clarity behind the claim. The way I see it, at the moment the Cloud seems to have a few big advantages over the other vapes you listed:

- works directly on GonG joints, no adapters or special pieces needed
- slightly faster heat up time
- better heat retention/the ability to hit "any way you choose"
- more robust and durable components, particularly the outer housing which covers the glass

However it should share some other important features with the vapes you listed:

- all glass airway for top quality taste and safety
- variable temperature, but designed to inhibit combustion (I know this is true of the VXC and VHW--unsure about LSV)
- capable of providing small conservative tokes or huge, lung busting rips
- intended to be used by one person at a time and in conjunction with a water pipe

I'm sorry if this comes off as a little bit whiny (trust me, I want my Cloud pre-order as much as anyone!) but I am of the mind that to say that this vape is easily superior in the important aspects...well...that just hasn't been proven yet. IMO it is a huge improvement in the convenience of the delivery mechanism, but all that comes down to is routine. As you are no doubt well aware different routines work for different people. For myself the most important factors are the taste, efficiency, safety of the unit and the durability. Durability seems to be the only thing that the VXC has over the VHW given those criterion.

Now please max, and the rest of you fine contributors, enlighten me as to why my arguments are in error or misguided and I will gladly admit that the VXC must surely be the best vape evar :lol: Blargh. I proselytize for the sake of thoroughness and equality but if we're being honest I think I'd probably trade a kidney for the Cloud right now.

Troi, SM, myself, and other have tried and own the VHW, LSV, and VXC.
The cloud IS easily superior in many key aspects, this is a fact.

@partially veiled please take the time to go back and read some of my previous posts in this thread, i compare them a lot. I also have a full on review somewhere where i compare the VXC to the VHW, LSV, and MW directly. These are all vapes i did or do own.

Here is just one example. You can say a vaporizer has an all glass air path, and all vapes that have an all glass air path must taste the same. Wrong. Why? Maybe the fact the air touches the bare hot ceramic heating element in the LSV in the vapor path. Or that you can take thick as, hell low temp hits, with a deeper flavor with the VX then the other two. Or maybe it is the less restricted air path. Or maybe it is the HT designed for low volume water, and max flavor. Fuck if i know, fact is, the VXC tastes better, has much thicker vapor, really noticeable at low temps, easier to use, much better bowl system with minimal stirring, will work better with small and large amounts, better overall package, the list goes on..............

This doesn't necessarily make the VXC better then the two wands but i will mention this AGAIN. The LSV is a redesigned casing on a Silver Surfer. The heating element is relatively inexpensive, works for its purpose, but is not designed for vaporizing. The VHW heating element, although powerful, also not designed for vaporizing. The VXC heating element was designed around the Cloud, from the ground up. The vaporizer wasn't designed around the heating element, like almost every other vape on the damn market. I have no ill will to Mark (from VT) or really 7th Floor for that matter. Fact is, their product is inferior to the VXC and i have a damn hard time believing anyone who has tried both would say otherwise, plane and simple.

Did i mention they actually make this mother fuckers here in the united states? Ah, 7th Floor.....


vtac said:
:wave: pv

Having used the three vapes in question I'd agree with max's sentiment. In my opinion the Cloud simply provides the more enjoyable experience.

You've got the unit itself with its GonG connection and a spillproof bowl. That's it. While personally I don't think it's a huge deal to use additional connectors as required with the other two, given the choice I'd go with the more direct approach, performance being equal. But performance is not equal, the Cloud produces more vapor, denser vapor and is able to do so at lower temperatures with less effort. Honestly it's almost impossible to get a bad hit from the Cloud. It has a digital (forgive me for not knowing the specifics) heater control far more advanced than the VHW or LSV, which uses basically a dimmer switch. The Cloud's glass heat-sink/heat-path is better at retaining heat and evenly heating air than the VHW or LSV, though it should be said that the VHW has an edge over the LSV's simple ceramic stick heater design. The Cloud also cooks herb more evenly than the other two with no stirring; always evenly browned throughout with no dark spots, where the other 2 require stirring and still leave a dark spot between hits.

Surely I missed some things but those are some of the points where I feel the Cloud really shines, particularly when compared to similar units such as the VHW or LSV.

hadn't seen this yet when i posted. vtac, is another who has tried all three, didn't mean to forget you buddy... and said it pretty nicely. once again, go back and read our posts for more details, cause we surely missed stuff.


Well-Known Member
mistergyro said:
for me, (at least on paper) its the heat retention feature all the way...it's like the flux capacitor in that it's the key to time travel...or effortless vaping via glass tubeage
1.21 gigawatts :o


Apprentice Daydreamer
partially veiled said:
Hrm. I really wish I could search within a particular thread.
You can. Just switch "Show results as" Topics -> Posts. And add some filters. That is close enough. But in a forum with this sized topics search just in one topic posts could be good.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
partially veiled said:
oldiebutgoodie said:
I'll readily acknowledge that my comment was not based on my personal observation. It's based on feedback from stonemonkey and test users. My understanding is that this is due to turbulence in the air path which increases efficiency, and slightly lowering air pressure in the ELB which allows for a lower temp with similar vapor results.

That post has piqued my interest obg; I would like to learn more about the supposed increased efficiency at lower temps. That is DEFINITELY something I'm interested in! I also trust the likes of vtac, stickstones and max but I expect them to be able to explain their opinions. Which they are able to do...which is why I ask for an explanation :lol:

I trust that Troi's confirmation was sufficient. For the record, my source was SM.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Troi said:
The cloud has great efficiency at lower temperatures due to the turbulence create by the design of the air path, since the air moves thoroughly through the ez-bowl, it creates more vapor at lower temps then more traditional vapor paths.

So, basically, the answer is :science: I understand what you're saying but I don't truly grasp why there is more turbulence in the air path nor how that creates more vapor at lower temps. However, as oldiebutgoodie said, the proof is in the pudding. If it works it works. I don't need to understand it for it to work, I would just prefer to understand it (in the absence of actually trying it myself) before I agree to these statements as truthful. I do trust the fine people of FC however so I will relent and wait until I can satisfy myself by testing my very own Cloud :) Thanks for the feedback Troi.

IAmKrazy2 said:
@partially veiled please take the time to go back and read some of my previous posts in this thread, i compare them a lot. I also have a full on review somewhere where i compare the VXC to the VHW, LSV, and MW directly. These are all vapes i did or do own.

Actually I have read this entire thread start to finish, and very recently at that. I've also re-read parts of it several times (many of your posts being among the parts I've gone back to)! However there is a lot of information here, buried among much more chatter, and I'm generally a little uh...compromised...when I'm reading here so I guess I've mentally omitted or forgotten some of it. My apologies, apparently I should have been taking notes :lol: Anyway thanks for the response IAmKrazy2 and I've done as you've suggested and searched through your old posts in this thread: you do in fact cover many of my concerns so thanks for that and thanks for pointing me in the right direction (towards your original posts, I mean). I would still really like to understand this vape better...but I do believe that those of you who have tried this thing are certainly not trying to deceive us. I trust that this thing out-performs the VHW because you say so and vtac says so etc. but I would still really love to know WHY it does so. Meh. It becomes a non-issue the moment I can own a Cloud, I suppose, so I'll just shut up.

IAmKrazy2 said:
The VXC heating element was designed around the Cloud, from the ground up. The vaporizer wasn't designed around the heating element, like almost every other vape on the damn market.

Yes!!! This is probably the most important part IMO: the VXC is a purpose built design started from the ground up, evolved slowly and with intense care and concentration. The personal horizon of vapor freaks such as myself is surely about to expand, I do not doubt it and I can not wait! Thanks for the feedback all.

partially veiled,


Vapor concierge
pv...did you read my posts about the efficiency testing? I basically put a PD stem's worth of bud in an ELB and went to town. Got good vapor and the same effects as with the PD. I can't verify the low temp claims (mine runs hot), but I can verify the efficiency claims.


Active Member
Anyone have any ideas for carrying cases one may want to purchase, Stonefree ur picture looks so ideal but where would u even get that?

Does anyone also know the dimensions of the cloud and HT's?

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
I believe that is the packaging it was supposed to come in. Now early preorders don't get the sweet box, but by the time u get yours the packaging should be included
Mr. Smoke No More,
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