I got my preorder in for the sgw showerdome

. I wanted to make sure I could fit my tube and the cloud in a small case. I was absolutely torn between the supreme and this. I have gone through many vaporizers now (hotplate, extreme, box vape, vaporgenie, and still have 2 purple days), and am hoping this to be my one true love. The restricted airflow on the purpledays is too much for me to comfortably use water filtration in my large tube, I find myself getting light headed half way through a hit and inhaling some air to take a break. I chose this over the supreme because of the all glass airpath, the computer controlling the temperature, the ergonomics of not dealing with a torch and butane, and the value for what you get. It seemed like getting a stone glass hydratube and vaporizer as a complete package for what I paid my extreme when I bought it is a great deal, where as 200$ without shipping for a piece of wood with a aluminum block on it and a thermomter (Id guess around 30$ of parts... I doubt you could convince me otherwise) seemed very steep. Ill probably end up getting a pelican case for it and a power inverter and using it on the road here and there too, to close the gap where I would of used the supreme, though I rarely vape out and about anyway.
My only concern left is my absent minded friends around the glass

Hopefully the heater cover is made of really strong glass, unlike the extremes. I still have a broken extreme gathering dust. My girlfriend broke the heater cover once yanking it off a coffee table onto carpet, and even the small one and a half foot fall was enough to crack the heater cover. She claims it landed upright too! I had another friend grab the whip too hard (he did not judge his distance correctly) and pressure caused it to snap in half. The last straw was when my cat knocked it off my coffee table onto carpet and it broke again the same way, and I just gave up on the damn thing. I think that because you remove the hydratube between hits it wont be too much of a concern, but will it be replaceable 'just in case'?