stickstones said:
This vape isn't going to replace anyone's PD, and it's not supposed to.
Lo said:
I did try small loads last night, I don't weigh tiny amounts but I'd say 2PD bowls worth or thereabouts. Provided very tasty hits and a good 8-10 of them. With this vape the hits feel so smooth but really hit you hard. I ended up quite happy after one small bowl and ended up waiting a couple hours to try small load again. The small loads also cooked very evenly without any fuss at all. I do think you could use this conservatively but the PD will still have a place in my arsenal, particularly with folks I'd be afraid to let near glass.
You can certainly vape small amounts in the Cloud, but if I'm gonna load the amount I'd load in the PD, I'm gonna use the PD, if I've got one. The Cloud is meant for big, satisfying hits, not small satisfying ones-that's where the log vapes shine. While Lo was testing small hits, I was testing high temp hits, and they felt like low temp hits from my SSV-just really smooth. I imagine this was mostly due to the water filtration, which I'm not used to, so it's probably not a unique Cloud feature. OTOH, this is a great vape for those who, like me, may appreciate filtration but don't want to mess with a larger, bong type vape, or connecting a regular vape to a bong. Imagine a log vape, handling wise (larger of course, but in the same ballpark), with turbocharged hits and water filtration.
IAmKrazy2 said:
How does one define efficiency? With the VXC i can brown through everything evenly and effectively.
This was one area I was really interested in, and I've been thrilled with the results. I don't want to have to remove the bowl from the Cloud to stir or shake, in order to get an evenly cooked bowl. This is necessary with the SSV, unless you have a small amount loaded and make an effort to evenly distribute the hot air stream. Even then I find myself not trusting it to provide an even roast unless I do stir. Whether I look at the Cloud's ABV after a 12 o'clock vape, or go to a higher temp, I get a very consistent color to the ABV. Granted, I'm careful to take the extra hit or three to make sure. If you quit as soon as you stop seeing a lot of exhaled vapor, you may be stopping short on the bowl. But from what I've seen, the Cloud seems to be as efficient as the herbalAire in bag mode, and herbie, IMO, is as good as it gets for thorough, even cooking.
Like sticks and Lo I'm coming to the Cloud from the SSV, as far as similar vape types. While I'd surely use the SSV a lot less if I have access to a VXC, the SSV with standard connection does allow a degree of control over your hits that you can't get with a gg connection. So I can see still using my SSV occasionally (maybe with the hydratube

). OTOH, if I'm a DBV owner, I'm probably going to prefer the VXC hits, and the DBV is going to get put away to collect dust.