Vape Minyan


Well-Known Member
My great grandfather was from Torchyn, which has been Ukraine, Russia, and Poland depending on the year.

He escaped mandatory Russian military service around 1900 by cutting off the tip of his index finger before escaping to the United States.

I wonder how many people tell a similar story 100 years from now.


Well-Known Member
Ok folks. The time is upon us. Thursday March 17th - it’s a Green Purim video session.

I have a Microsoft Teams account. Will post a link here Thursday night. 10pm Central to Midnight.

We have west coast folks and east coast folks so join when you can for a bit. Lemme see a count of hands for interest?
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Accessory Maker
hey @4everpushingaboulder sorry I spaced last night. Wife and kids are heading out of town today so tonight or over the weekend would be great and I can do like 7 west coast time


Medicine Buddha
Mother Jewish, Father Catholic. I was more or less exposed to both and given a choice at around 12yrs old and decided none of the above.

I don't specifically identify as either, and don't like tribalism, but enjoy some of the camaraderie among fellow Jews at times. I mostly just enjoy being human but people insist upon foisting their cultural beliefs upon me as Jewish male. "You have to marry a Jewish girl and make babies!" - Abso-fucking-lutely not.

There's a salve in the Kabbalah that's essentially hash oil. I believe it's one of the oldest written records of cannabis use.

Also, a picture of my sister, myself, and another kid, looking at a menorah was the front page of the 92nd Street YMCA website for quite a few years.


Well-Known Member
Well Hello, Vape Minyan (one of my favorite types of minyan).

I was born 10 years after the founding of the modern State of Israel. Which probably makes me older than most of you guys. My youth was similar to many of you. After school Hebrew School, Bar mitzvah, etc. As a teenager, I was in a Jewish youth group and I learned a great deal about the holocaust and started to observe Shabbat.

Even before I was fully committed to my Judaism I told my high school friends that I would do my part to try to replace the Jewish population decimated in the holocaust. Telling high school friends that you are planning on having 10 kids sometimes made getting a date a bit of a challenge.

We realized our dream of moving to Israel (Aliyah) in 1997.

I have been a medical cannabis patient since 2013.

Like many of you, I miss smoked whitefish salad. I was actually expecting some today when one of my sons returns from the USA. My son's suitcase got lost, so I may have to keep waiting for some more.

I saw that some of you guys miss kugel. Let me know, I can supply tried and true recipes.
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Well-Known Member
Well Hello, Vape Minyan (one of my favorite types of minyan).

I was born 10 years after the founding of the modern State of Israel. Which probably makes me older than most of you guys. My youth was similar to many of you. After school Hebrew School, Bar mitzvah, etc. As a teenager, I was in a Jewish youth group and I learned a great deal about the holocaust and started to observe Shabbat.

Even before I was fully committed to my Judaism I told my high school friends that I would do my part to try to replace the Jewish population decimated in the holocaust. Telling high school friends that you are planning on having 10 kids sometimes made getting a date a bit of a challenge.

We realized our dream of moving to Israel (Aliyah) in 1997.

I have been a medical cannabis patient since 2013.

Like many of you, I miss smoked whitefish salad. I was actually expecting some today when one of my sons returns from the USA. My son's suitcase got lost, so I may have to keep waiting for some more.

I saw that some of you guys miss kugel. Let me know, I can supply tried and true recipes.
Ill always welcome a good kugel recipe, but I shudder to think of the smell once someone eventually finds and opens that suitcase...


Well-Known Member
I heard some great recommendations about "Oren's Hummus" in California, any of our Minyan's vaporists tried it yet? is it so good? hehe


Well-Known Member

Lead me to this.

And this

Edit. Shirt ordered. Heh
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