Silver solder has been (and possibly still is) used in some dry herb vapes too.
Does it mean vapes that basically have an airflow area that draws air into the internals/circuitry could have future impacts even if "Silver solder" was used - or even wasn't used, as I have an open Arizer Solo V1 here and obviously there's circuitry soldering on the board, but for the pos/neg cables, there also seems to be a kind of glue of some sort, which has darkened over time - along with that brown dried herb is spilled on the internals so obviously the top isn't segregated from below on this model in a way. (At the same time it's possible dried/used flower was spilled in through the top cover when it was loaded/unloaded)
and as I said in my 1st post, the original Arizer Solo I had, after approx 5 years it died, pulled it apart and found melted plastic underneath the heating element, so obviously if the 2 were not segregated I would of tasted plastic right? never did.
That being said, I have a pax2 and don't even see the need to pull it apart and check due to the fact that the chamber is pretty much a 1 way to the top, so the only concern would be what this is made of (SS?) and overtime could that impact health.
Probably questions nobody has answers to in the first place. I think someone mentioned above about this is maybe a factor on why some of his friends would rather a straight glass bong to smoke it over vaping. It's a literal case of "yeah the THC vapor from the plant isn't harmful, it's more the bloody device you hit 10 times a day over a period of 10 years and on thinking all is well."
Really shocking and I damn well feel for the people involved in US with the cart issues, along with that I just have on and off anxiety last few weeks and I don't even use e-pens or carts! Most of it was BS media caused but nobody knew at the time, people just report rubbish as they need to be paid.
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