vap999 said:
Hippie Dickie said:
while what you are saying is certainly true, it is also true that it takes an Apple or an Amazon to be able to litigate against a patent infringement. too much effort just for the bragging rights, in my humble opinion.
Yes, a patent gives you grounds to sue, but what federal judge or jury is going to actually enforce this or other such overtly weak and device/design-specific patent? And the costs of going to court would be far more than any financial damage a competitor could do. Add in that most vaporizer patents are weak, likely would not pass any real scrutiny, e.g, they would likely lose a patent office reexamination, and they would likely never be enforced -- to me makes them worthless. What federal judge or jury presented with loads of prior art (literature, example products, etc.) or just looking critically at these patents' claims would actually rule against a competitor (force them off the U.S. market and fine them for damages)? More likely the judge would preliminarily rule in favor of the competitor (against the patent holder) simply on the basis of presumption of the patent(s) involved being unenforceable -- too vague, too specific/not applicable, too much relevant prior art totally ignored, the invention (?) being obvious to those in the field, etc. -- with any one of these legal reason enough to kill the patent.
So, back to the topic, this battery-powered vaporizer: How about some reviews and direct comparisons?
I did some.. few pages back.. if not this are the main diffs
Heats a bit faster..
Deliver hotter vapor.
Smaller chamber.
Wood finish and is make off solid piece of wood.
Has diod power indicator..
The screen has smaller holes.
Has lifetime warrany .. but i will never have the guts to ship out a box covered with illegal GOO... I am not a narcotraficante sorry

+ screen cannot be removed or at least without damaging it..
Delivers cooler vapor but is as efficient as the MFLB..
You can load more in the Square and you have more heating surface.
It is not maple but pinewood i think.
It can be unscrewed and easily maintain it and replace parts .
Cheaper and they sell unit only..
Well this is the main differences between the two models.. and again not much difference in performance .
Being able to
clean(no herb stacks on the corners like on mflb.. and can be disassembled), no herb can leak out of the Square.. I can vape more without reloading..(Mflb was never enough for me.) + get less throat irritation due to cooler vapor. Also is easier to work with concentrates (which are my main on the go stash) cuz it can be cleaned.
I regret for the 55-60$ i gave for the LMS much less than those 120 $ + i paid on my mflb pack.. (with crap batts and charger + 30 $ more for new batts and charger.. )
I am sick of how some people offer a "quality" cheap product and they sell you will eat a bunch of cheap chinese low quality accesoaries with it... They sell 1 $ batts for 5-10 $ , 5 dollar charger for 15 $ LOL.. .BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..
I am betting that some guys are earning more $ on that than their main product..