Quick update.
Glass Engineer said all parts are now delivered to them to start building, so they should have the very first Utopia Prototype Next Friday, and it will be shipped out that same day.
Lets hope the Utopia will complete its mission.
What's the vaporization surface made of bro? Btw, hope all has been well, it has been a long time!
My question with this product surrounds what it offers that other premium enail products don't already do the same or better? There has not been a lot of clarity in terms of specific benefits/features since the change from Flexo to Utopia.
Are you using last-gen nail materials like ti or quartz or ceramic here, or are we into the next gen with SiN/SiC/Sapphire or new quartz designs that mitigate the major shortcomings of quartz for concentrate inhalation?
Is this a device that can be left on all the time, or is it meant to be turned on on demand? In either case, any idea of heat-up time yet?
Is it an all-glass airpath like you originally were going for? If so, what's the durability/stability like on a rig? Are glass parts going to be individually available for purchase should something break?
Finally, I know you are aiming to make a device now that does flower and oil. I do wonder if you are going for convective heating of the dab and making an all-convection type of device? This could be nice! What measures have you taken to avoid the 'jack of all trades, master of none' quandary here?
lol sorry for the 20 questions but I look forward to getting the low-down from you