Almost there...
Unfortunately, I can't put the discontinued tag on threads in the unreleased section. It'll just have to remain in the purgatory section forever with the rest of the vapes that never were...
Ahhhh, Limbo it is!
Unfortunately, I can't put the discontinued tag on threads in the unreleased section. It'll just have to remain in the purgatory section forever with the rest of the vapes that never were...
I like the VAPE you had sent to my house.It was an interesting concept but nothing I tried was close to production ready. Really large unit required lot of energy to heat a large mass.Hard to control the heat with the control scheme that I was sent. Needed a feedback loop to approach VapeXhale or Volcano levels of heat control.
I have some ideas on a simpler approach with smaller heater to do a similar thing with a folded, heated glass pathway but no way to try anything out. G spent a lot on custom glassware design to move the project forwards and I certainly don't have that budget.
The 601 threading that W9Tech used was a holdover from the beginning days of the vaporizer industry. UP Tech got established before 510 was normalized across vaporizers. In designing their first products, their engineer selected 601 as it has a bit beefier thread than 510. UP Tech sold a variety of devices that were larger and heavier than the average 510 threaded clearomizers, cartomizers and early vape carts and tanks in that 2012-2016 era of vaporizing. The Hercules cart, especially with Nibbler XL was a beefy monster.I like the VAPE you had sent to my house.
Why are they different than 510 tread?
Thank you for your assessment!The 610 threading that W9Tech used was a holdover from the beginning days of the vaporizer industry. UP Tech got established before 510 was normalized across vaporizers. In designing their first products, they selected 610 as it has a bit beefier thread than 510. UP Tech sold a variety of devices that were larger and heavier than the average 510 threaded clearomizers, cartomizers and early vape carts and tanks in that 2012-2016 era of vaporizing. The Hercules cart, especially with Nibbler XL was a beefy monster.
As the years went by and 510 based e-cigarettes quickly dominated the market, 601 got less and less popular and eventually UP Tech made the dual thread "8" mechanical mod and then moved their Omicron lineup to 510. The Persei was never released in a 510 threading, it was only ever designed to work with its own 601 threaded carts and components.
There are 4 different ways that are acceptable to pronounce the Greek letter.people are now finally learning