Multi-brand Utillian 620

Also, the silicone gasket that goes right near the herb chamber is red instead of blue. I wonder how warm it gets and if it's the same material.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector*Vapman Beta Tester
Where is the thread for the Utillian 722? Why does this thread say Multi-brand? I have one and was wondering what people were saying about it. I dont see much about it.
Dr. G,

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device

Dr. G

Vapman Collector*Vapman Beta Tester
Multi-brand means it is rebranded by numerous companies :). 722 is just another rebrand of Weecke line. That company is famous for their bullshit marketing. 722 is just this one
Oh my goodness...I am learning so much today. I did not realize this. So, what ultimately does this mean about the 722? It is a copy of something already created by someone else?! Intentionally? How does this happen???????????

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Oh my goodness...I am learning so much today. I did not realize this. So, what ultimately does this mean about the 722? It is a copy of something already created by someone else?! Intentionally? How does this happen???????????

No, there are a lot of manufacturers in China, who mass produce these products, for other companies to put their branding on it, sometimes they change the specs as well which is what healthy rips does with their stuff from Fenix, 722 620 whatever utilian it's just rebranded as well, but it doesn't have the same HR changes to make it have more pure assuredly safe materials, and I think they are pushed by Toronto vape TVape retailer who are notoriously dishonest on device reviews


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness...I am learning so much today. I did not realize this. So, what ultimately does this mean about the 722? It is a copy of something already created by someone else?! Intentionally? How does this happen???????????
Avoid any vape, review, or site named TVape (Toronto Vape), Utillian or Zeus. Those are all the same company that puts up very fake and ridiculous reviews claiming their vapes are better than everything else on the market. Mostly the vapes are rebrands, some work OK but you are better off just buying the Chinese branded version, Eg Weeke.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector*Vapman Beta Tester
Avoid any vape, review, or site named TVape (Toronto Vape), Utillian or Zeus. Those are all the same company that puts up very fake and ridiculous reviews claiming their vapes are better than everything else on the market. Mostly the vapes are rebrands, some work OK but you are better off just buying the Chinese branded version, Eg Weeke.
...thank you. Thank you everyone. This was eye awakening. It is truly sad when I look across and see what options of convection options we have that are trustworthy. I am very happy that I have the Tinymight, my Firefly, my Vapman and my Minivap....I am afraid of buying anything else. Now, I am thinking that everything else I have is in the same category. I am new to this so, this has been a learning day for me.


Land of the long vapor cloud
...thank you. Thank you everyone. This was eye awakening. It is truly sad when I look across and see what options of convection options we have that are trustworthy. I am very happy that I have the Tinymight, my Firefly, my Vapman and my Minivap....I am afraid of buying anything else. Now, I am thinking that everything else I have is in the same category. I am new to this so, this has been a learning day for me.

You don't have to be afraid.

Plenty of knowledge and good people willing to share around these parts.

Judging by your list of vapes, you are already doing a great job of sorting the wheat from the chaff. :spliff:
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector*Vapman Beta Tester
You don't have to be afraid.

Plenty of knowledge and good people willing to share around these parts.

Judging by your list of vapes, you are already doing a great job of sorting the wheat from the chaff. :spliff:
Thank you very much. I have learned quite a bit from everyone here and lots of video watching. I find it all fascinating. One of the best decisions of my life was to stop smoking.


New Member
I have to proclaim my ignorance in this realm and ask a few quesitons if I might. I have for years now been using a little known company's, Herbalaire, vaporizer which uses tupper ware for it parts. I really have no idea if there are any hazards from using this vape, except that it was stated that that material deals well with heat without being exposed to toxicity? I've recently had a desire to buy a battery operated dry herb vape . I take one hit at a time and don't do "sessions," so I want something that doesn't need to be packed to work well. I stumbled onto the source that was discouraged above, TVape, and was told that the Utillian 620 was designed for micro doses and worked the best at doing single hit at a time use. Is there a recommendation that could be had here for the type of vaporizer I'm looking for? Thanks!

Grass Yes

Staff member
I have to proclaim my ignorance in this realm and ask a few quesitons if I might. I have for years now been using a little known company's, Herbalaire, vaporizer which uses tupper ware for it parts. I really have no idea if there are any hazards from using this vape, except that it was stated that that material deals well with heat without being exposed to toxicity? I've recently had a desire to buy a battery operated dry herb vape . I take one hit at a time and don't do "sessions," so I want something that doesn't need to be packed to work well. I stumbled onto the source that was discouraged above, TVape, and was told that the Utillian 620 was designed for micro doses and worked the best at doing single hit at a time use. Is there a recommendation that could be had here for the type of vaporizer I'm looking for? Thanks!
Some advice from up thread:
Avoid any vape, review, or site named TVape (Toronto Vape), Utillian or Zeus. Those are all the same company that puts up very fake and ridiculous reviews claiming their vapes are better than everything else on the market. Mostly the vapes are rebrands, some work OK but you are better off just buying the Chinese branded version, Eg Weeke.
I would suggest asking for device recommendations in the Ask FC section. Or take a look at the threads there, some recent questions look like yours. Have fun!
Grass Yes,

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I have to proclaim my ignorance in this realm and ask a few quesitons if I might. I have for years now been using a little known company's, Herbalaire, vaporizer which uses tupper ware for it parts. I really have no idea if there are any hazards from using this vape, except that it was stated that that material deals well with heat without being exposed to toxicity? I've recently had a desire to buy a battery operated dry herb vape . I take one hit at a time and don't do "sessions," so I want something that doesn't need to be packed to work well. I stumbled onto the source that was discouraged above, TVape, and was told that the Utillian 620 was designed for micro doses and worked the best at doing single hit at a time use. Is there a recommendation that could be had here for the type of vaporizer I'm looking for? Thanks!

Herbalaire were a trusted company but they recently went out of business
Shit Snacks,
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New Member
Herbalaire were a trusted company but they recently went out of business

I just noticed that when going to look for a replacement for the old Herbalaire 2.0 that I've used. Nice to know it was reputable and hopefully safe, and sad to see them go out of business. I remember talking to him during last Christmas season when there was a good sale going on, and I didn't pull the trigger on a new vape... and now they're gone.


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
Hello all. I know I'm reviving a dead thread, but since I just got a Utillian 621, I thought I would post a short review.

Price: for the 621 $114 USD shipped. I also got a Zeus Bolt 2 grinder and a Zeus Iceborn. Total for the order was $151.64 USD.

Shipping: Took 10 days to get to me.

Packaging: All items can well packaged, appearing new, and everything worked.

Please take my review with a grain of salt as this the first Vape I've owned, and I only started to smoke again (after a 30 year break) about a month ago.

The device works as advertised. I wanted an easy device with a smaller bowl. I've read it can take about .2g in the bowl.

Temp, C or F, and shutoff time can be set in the easy to read menu. It heats to temp pretty fast. Charges with USB-c, but you need a 5v/1A adapter. An only iPhone adapter worked for me.

I tried a few hits at low, med and high temps, and got the expected results. At low temp, very little vaper to lots of vapor at high temps. I actually was able to taste flavor, which I was skeptical of as a bong user. Now I need to take some notes on which weed I'm vaping and thoughts on flavor for that weed.

I had no issue with the draw, but I have nothing to compare it to.

Over all, I think it will be a good first vaporizer. I don't know how crazy I will get buying vapes (I'm already and audiophile and photographer, so I have expensive other hobbies).

As for the grinder, it works.

As for the Iceborn, well that's another story. It works, very well. I was able to take a very large hit at high temps, and the smoke was cool. It's a bit of a hassle to set up and put away, and I haven't used it enough to clean it yet. I will likely use it sometimes, but not every time.

Overall, the shopping experience was good with TVape as they were very nice and helpful. I don't like how their reviews don't have the standard review histogram, and I cannot speak to if they are fake or not. All I know is the vaporizer works fine for a me, and you was call me a Vape Lay Person, not a hobbyist (yet). I know they push their own gear in their videos, but simple take into account when watching.

Hope this helps someone. If you want a simple vape for the money, this one might work for you. If you see yourself getting into the hobby, just jump in and get a much better vaporizer and save yourself the trouble of collecting, or trying to resell them.
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