Thanks for the feedback Sleepin, not too critical at all.
All the points you bring up are good ones and we looked at many of them during R&D and testing but for various reasons ended up lacking many of them on the current designs. I'll try to keep my response short but also address some of them for those of you who like the inside scoop.
- Yeah, this one is about cost - the wall-wart I'm including with the VVPS was just too good a value (and is a good, solid power supply) to pass up but requires a 2.5mm jack vs the more common 2.1mm. It also has too high an output voltage (17v) to be used directly with the vapes which is a bummer. We might well change to a different power supply once we run out of these but I'm not looking forward to the $10-$15 price difference it would bring.
- Outputs is a tough one. I'd like it if the Travel VVPS had an output jack instead of the current permanently attached pigtail but there isn't room in the box unless we went with side-by-side jacks on the back instead of input on the back and output on the front like the current design. Not sure why but I really don't care for the output on the back, it bugs the crap out of me for some reason. Then again I'm not the customer, you guys are so maybe we'll switch if people want us to. As far as the type of output goes (on the Desktop) and it's need for an male-to-male adapter - if I could find a panel mount, male plug instead I'd consider using it but I've never come across one.. do they exist? A male-to-male cable would be nice and work instead but they don't seem to be readibly available in a variety of sizes like the male-female extensions we use and I really don't care for shop-made cables when they can be avoided.

- An on/off switch on the Travel VVPS might be doable if we could find a small enough one but so far I haven't. That tiny box is a PITA to deal with in this regard but it's sooo small that I couldn't help but make it lol. A switch on the Desktop VVPS would be easily doable other than adding a bit of cost on materials and labor, maybe we'll revise the design to include one. Using the knob to 'turn off' the Desktop doesn't actually really de-energize the circuit but drops the output to about .5v and blanks the screen. Not really 'off' per se but kind of a 'sleep' setting for lack of a better word I guess.
I suppose the crux of things is that I'm trying to include these things with the vapes without jacking the price up which unfortunately means that every one that goes out the door actually costs me money instead of making money. If people choose the option to upgrade to the Desktop VVPS (not the option for both, just the Desktop) I break even but either of the other two options I take a loss. Because of that I've optimized the design, as best as possible, to get the best value for the money - not necessary the best overall design.
Granted we could make the design a bit better and sell the VVPS instead of include the basic Travel one. Problem with that though is that we make everything and I mean everything, in-house, by hand, ourselves and that really takes a lot of time. So I could make a better VVPS for sale but it would take time away that I usually spend making Dogs and so would be a bit of a toss up.
I'm sure we'll refine the design over time and do our best to give you guys all the best experience we can as usual. Just a matter of how much time, money and energy we have lol.
At any rate we really appreciate all the great feedback you guys are always giving us, it really helps us evolve the Pups over time. We also really enjoy being able to spend our days making these vapes for everyone and seeing/hearing how much everyone enjoys using them!
Rock on Dogs, rock on.